Seems that the vast majority of tournaments do abide by the established rules but a few have simply ignored the MTOA policy. It is a sad state of affairs when the tournament will provide meals for site directors and tournament directors but completely ignore officials. Many times we are asked to work 12-14 hour shifts with no meals provided--and folks, that needs to change...
Here is the MTOA policy: The tournaments are to provide meals for officials but if they choose not to, then the official may leave the site for an hour and go purchase their own meals and still receive pay for that hour.
While I agree with the policy, we are still having to purchase our own meals. The only way for this policy to be enforced is for our referees to mandate the policy--or noone work the tournament.
Here are the Metroplex tournaments that provide meals:
Brookhaven Country Club
Southlake Tennis Center
North Richland Hills Tennis Center
Collin College
UTA tournaments
UNT tournaments
UIL tournaments
Highland Park High School
Plano Schools
Frisco Schools
McKinney Schools
Arlington Tennis Center (provides $7.50 for the official to go and purchase their meal)
Here are the Metroplex tournaments that DO NOT provide meals:
Dallas Tennis Association
Ft. Worth Tennis Association
If you choose to work the tournaments that do not provide meals, then I guess that is your choice. It is sad when two of our largest organizations choose to simply ignore an established policy that has worked well for many years.
I recently worked an event at Southlake Tennis Center. Meals were taken care of . . . no questions asked. This has been their policy in the past as well. This is one of the reasons I keep going back there to work!
Officials should boycott tournaments what refuse to provide meals to officials working their events. It's very hard work to stand on court for 12-14 hours without a break. For those officials that do choose to work these "cheap" tournaments, I would recommend leaving for lunch when the problem players are scheduled to play. That might get someone's attention when a problem arises and no official is around.
I have a question - who is the current President of the MTOA? It would appear time is ripe to replace the president with a more proactive person who will look out for MTOA officials.
A Dallas referee contacted me last year about working a Dallas Tennis Association event. My first question was whether or not lunch was provided. The answer was 'no'. I said I wouldn't work an event that didn't provide lunch. I was told that there were plenty of others who would.
I guess some folks don't get hungry! But as long as there are "enablers" who let events get away with not following established guidelines, this problem will always be there.
To Happy Meal: What should the MTOA president do? File a lawsuit against these tournament directors? Excommunicate an official who agrees to work without lunch? Come on, think about what you just said. Boycotting tournaments who refuse to provide meals is the only effective recourse to this issue.
Isn't our Texas Section Chairman on the board of the FW tennis association? If he is, then he should be replaced as Chairman.
Yes he is. The rest is up to you.
OMGosh!!! How about a union? Demand lunch, bottled water, an AC room with a couch and TV AND while we are at it – MORE PAY!!! You guys are cry-babies! Use to be - people would be a little more self sufficient and bring their own lunch...I am guessing if you were home sitting on your large butt (or even at your income producing job) - you'd have to make or buy your own sandwich...YOU ARE FORGETTING – they are hiring us – be thankful they are taking the risk of holding the events. AND- if it is such a (hunger) pain only work half a day! JUST STOP CRYING - this is starting to sound SAD!
Obviously the person who just wrote has never worked a 14 hour shift in the summer without breaks or food. I'd be more than happy to have you come walk with me on Sunday or Monday as I have a 12 hour shift coming up.
BTW, I'm beginning to think a union is looking better and better all the time.
Did you just say Union? Let me get you in contact with my good friend Andy Stern with the SEIU. We will get you what you deserve. LUNCH will be no problem! How about several breaks during the day too; And a good full-body massage at the end of a hard day of just walking around and chatting on your cell phone certainly deserves some relief.
And once we move in and get the DIVERSITY Quotient established, well then, there's no telling where we can take this thing.
Let's all work together and make some CHANGES.
I have worked more 14 hour days than you can count. Maybe you could come and walk with me - I bring a sandwich from home and eat it when I am ready. Cost me little and I get what I want and then I work my 12-14 hours. Pay ATTENTION - RM - you ALWAYS have a choice - work half a day and STOP CRYING! Try and get along without CRYING so much!
I believe the referee for the tournament IS the MTOA President. Enough said.
I bet Obama would provide Stimulus money to turn all those crappy tennis courts into basketball courts. I bet Leroy from South Carolina would like that.
That massage idea would be an excellent benefit. Hopefully, it would be the happy ending varity.
I am hardly crying since I always get lunch provided for me and those who work with me. I am making a stand because there are too many officials being bullied by tournament directors. We can always make a change in our rates at the MTOA level to compensate for the loss of lunch...
(I seriously doubt you have worked that many 14 hour days with just a sandwich--and if you have, you are being taken advantage of.)
I bet those officials who allow Directors and Referees take advantage of them ALL voted for Obama.
Personally, I am glad to have a paying job!
Honey, I started in 1980 and have been doing the same junior tourny's every year (30 years). I bet I have done a lot of 14+ hours days in my time - maybe you have done more - doesn't matter. And, I don't just eat sandwiches and yes, sometimes we do have food brought in - I just do not worry about it - i know up front what i am dealt and since I love the sport - I just do it and have fun.
I was the one who brought up the issue of not getting meals provided for the officiating staff at this weekend's Super Champ Major Zone tournament in Arlington. Interesting enough, I was scheduled to work the site at UTA on Saturday from 8AM until close because the referee told me she needed more experienced officials. This was a last minute request and I canceled my previous plans for the day. I received a text message (no phone call) late Friday night from the referee informing me my services were no longer needed. When I asked why I was no longer assigned, she responded with the follow-up text "Don't know... just revisions on distribution of matches I think." I found out the next day that she assigned a shadow official (i.e., new official with no experience) in my place.
That begs the question - was I blackballed because I stood up for all MTOA officials and questioned why we weren't getting provided meals as stipulated in the MTOA bylaws or was there some other underpinning reason? I never got a good answer. Yes, the referee is the current President of the MTOA and is well aware of the bylaws which were established at our last Board Meeting stipulating that lunches will be provided at all events worked by MTOA officials.
If this situation happened to you, what would you do as an official, or as a Coordinator of Officials?
not sure why someone would do that to you Krueger - I think I would chalk it up to "rescheduling of matches" and move on. Why worry about the small stuff? Next time they "MTOA" ask...you might think twice before cancelling your "previous plans."
Aren't you on the Board of Directors... seems like there is a breakdown in ETHIC's. My best guess is that they only had enough Lunch money for a certain number - guess you got left out?!?!?
Two issues here, folks and both of them are serious. One, the bylaws of the association specifically address meals. Why are the bylaws not being upheld, especially by the President of the Association? Secondly,there is a question of ethics. A text message the night before the event? What's up with that? A commitment was made and plans were changed. At the least Myron deserves to be paid for the day. He is owed an apology and the referee in question should reconsider her action, and her position as President of the MTOA. BTW Myron, I assume your email list of avails for the coming TCU season will have one less name on it.
RE: Anonymous 10:24am
Are you KIDDING ME! Maybe she was trying to HELP out Myron by letting do what he had previously planned - JUST MAYBE there was no harm intended - WOW - people - stop getting your panties in a BIG KNOT - this is NOT rocket science (nothing against you Myron)- She is HUMAN. I think all she "owes" him is an apology - if that - or maybe a lunch coupon!?!?!
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