Friday, August 13, 2010


I have now burned all my UT things and have become a fan of Hardin-Simmons University...


Anonymous said...

Haha, Obama would fit in perfect at tu. What great recruiting material for future students.

Anonymous said...

More proof that only idiots follow Texas (at least when they are winning).

Anonymous said...

It was once said that an African-American would become president "when pigs fly." Well, 100 days into the Obama presidency... Swine Flu!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Obama was interviewing for a job when he loses in the next election. He would be a perfect fit at Texas.

Anonymous said...

August 10, 2010.
The Daily Texan reports that Charles Whitman skipped classes on Monday, 8/9/10.

Anonymous said...

Boy, the SUITS in both NYC & Austin are getting a workout this week. Randy might be getting another 'phone call' soon.

Yo Randy, we got your back....

RM said...

Who are the "suits" and what are they up to?

I hate surprises.