After much thought and reflection upon our current situation in the Metroplex (as discussed in the previous post), I thought we should write the President and ask for help...
Here is my letter:
Dear Mr. President,
I am writing to request some of the monies in the latest stimulus package. We are a small group of officials who work long and hard and many times are forced to do so without food being provided.
We would appreciate your consideration of our plight and if you can send a large sum of money, we might even be able to purchase uniforms for our officials. We would consider this to be a wonderful gesture on your part. While we are asking, we would also like to ask you to provide money for our gas and travel expenses. We are totally committed to diversity and transparency so everyone would receive at least some of the money.
Thank you for your time and I know you are busy with golf and vacations, but please consider our request. We will wait to hear from you.
(Your humble male-servant in Plano)
Hopefully he will look kindly upon our request for funds...
In response to the individual who is "so sick of Obama.". I have a couple of questions.
Is it your opinion that McCain/Palin would've been any better?
Do you blame the county's current condition soley on the Obama Administration?
Are you an active and informed voter (i.e. Do you cast a vote @ every local & state election)?
Do you not consider President Obama YOUR President?
When was the last time you had a civics refresher?
Go ahead and send the letter. I bet you get back an application for food stamps. They will never miss a chance to get more of the public on the public dole.
Sorry Randy,
But I don't think you will qualify for any of that stimulus money.
You come up a little short in that area.
Hell yes the country would be better off with McCain and Palin. At least McCain speaks the truth and doesn't blow smoke up our anal canals like Obama. McCain would have created jobs by now, instead of Obama's plans which have backfired. It doesn't matter how much money you throw at a problem if you have no idea where to throw it. Massive spending and deficits have tripled since your Obama took office. Obama continually claims that the spending and defict problems were inherited from Bush but when the final Bush deficit is compared to the current Obama deficit, it is obvious that Obama has exploded the debt, increaed the deficit three times more than Bush and sent spending through the roof.
And NO Obama is NOT my president. He's striving for worst President in the history of the US and he is well on course to meet this goal.
To the anonymous poster who questioned the validity of "So Sick Of Obama" - when was the last time you took an IQ test?
RM - I yes ASK FOR IT!!! But, I have a question - why do you state "...officials who work long and hard and many times are forced to do so without food being provided." Are you really forced? At some point can't you just take out your "Lone Star" card and charge the expense of a burger to the club you are working for - they can afford it - YES - just make someone else pay for your food... I bet all of us will agree with that idea - THEY PAY FOR IT OR WE DON'T WORK! Sounds like AMERICA!
Obama Sux? I agree he is not going to go down as a good/great president. But he inherited an absolute mess. I have to believe you had to feel even worse about the past administration. One that got us into a (Iraq) war we had no business getting into that cost thousands of young men and women their lives (for what?). And whose 8-year run was capped by a near Depression. As bad as Obama might be he's a step up from the previous 8 years regardless of your politics.
PS - You may want to look up how much Bush "exploded" the debt after the Clinton admin....
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