Horror of horrors! I was watching the unbelievably boring women's semi-final of the Pilot Pen pro tournament tonight and guess what I saw... A linesman was wearing the much-maligned and despised cargo shorts!!!
I realize they teach in schools and at most levels of tennis that the cargo shorts are a sin against humanity and should be banned throughout the universe; however, I personally like them and enjoy wearing them. The good part is that you can buy them at Academy for $9 and they come in khaki, black, and navy. Its also kind of fun because you feel a tad rebellious when you have them on...
Personally, I think they look very contemporary and a whole lot better than short shorts on a fat butt or short shorts on an overweight human trying to get into a chair.
BTW, you are more than welcome to wear cargo shorts when you work for me as your referee but please don't tell anyone that you did it! And who knows, this might even be the year that we experience SEE THROUGH CARGO SHORTS at the US Open (designed by Venus of course.)
I have 2 that I wear quite often. They are very comfortable, especially in the Texas heat. The large pockets are great when I am roving and need to carry a note pad, tape measure, pen, cell phone, etc. Nobody has ever told me not to wear them.
They should let the chair officials at the US Open wear cargo shorts so they would have extra pockets for their weed.
I just checked in on the women's finals and saw a woman linesperson in SHORT SHORTS!
Miss Roz would take care of that in short order if it were to occur in Texas...
Did the chair umpire have an eraser on their pencil? hehe
What about Cargo Pants? I always run out of room with cell phone, wallet, coin, tape measure, stop watch, and room for FAC.
Okay, but could she wear them and not gross anyone out?
Actually she looked quite stylish!
Cargo shorts are great for storing pencils with erasers. Of course they are banned in College Station.
Not for much longer. The A&M coordinator is on a short string and on her way out.
Gross attire for officials; slightly worse than the fishing hat.
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