(Austin, Texas)
"Oustanding Official" at Kalamazoo
Vickie serves as President of the Austin officials association as well as being coordinator for the University of Texas tennis matches.
Of course we in Texas already know that Vickie is "outstanding" but now the whole tennis world knows it.
Congratulations Vickie!
It's great to see Vickie win this award. My son Mitch just got back from Kalamazoo and he said the officiating crew was excellent this year.
It was indeed the best crew Kalamazoo has had since I started officiating this tourney in 2003. Any one of the officials working with me could have received this award. We ALL had lots of fun, watched & officiated GREAT tennis as well as witnessed SUPERB sportsmanship...We laughed and had good fellowship (18-20 of us) over dinner most every evening. along with working hard!
Speaking of great sportsmanship, Van Overbeek (a soon to be Gator) played against Clay Thompson (soon to see UCLA) and he (Van Overbeek) overruled a linesmen on a VERY close far sideline call. Later in the same set, Clay Thompson overruled an extremely close baseline call that no official would dared overrule and it GAVE Van Overbeek the first set...I was in awe both of their game and how fair they were to each other.
IMHO, Vickie is tied with one other female as the best female officials in the universe.
I'll leave it up to you to guess who the other one might be...
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