Friday, January 09, 2009

Why Do I Bother?

Someone has well asked me "why do you bother with all these things going on in the USTA and in the Texas Section?" Good question and one that deserves an answer. Here you go:

* First and foremost, is that we always need to do what is right and truthful when it comes to other people's lives, reputations, and vocations. I have seen far too many officials reputations, and consequently their vocations, ruined or damaged because of things done in secret.

* Because I believe the Ad Hoc Committee has far overstepped its bounds and authority. The Texas Section Officials Committee is duly elected and appointed by the proper power (the President) in the Section and the vast majority of these matters should be handled by the full committee. I do believe that schools/instructors selections could best be handled by either a Schools Sub Committee or the Sectional Chairman working on conjunction with the schools coordinator. This is certainly not the job of a select hand-picked group. The entire Officials Committee is composed of fine, mature officials who can obviously handle any issue or problem that might arise.

* Because I know how it feels to have your name and profession maligned without any representation. Personally, I was offended when my name, reputation, and profession was allowed to be publicly discussed in the last Officials Committee meeting without my consent and/or attendance. The final straw in this vein is when Don Brandy was removed as an instructor and not even given the common courtesy of even notifying him of the change.

* Because I think we have the best officials in Texas and our dealings with each other should be above board, transparent, and accountable. If you always tell the truth you never have to worry about something being done in secret.

* Because as schools coordinator I was instructed by the national powers that be to remove a certain Texas instructor without any reasons or merit or even contacting the instructor in question. I refused to honor their request and am sure glad I did!

* Because we can have a spurious grievance filed against us in conjunction with the Sectional Chairman and then have the chairman refuse to even show us the grievance. Again we are back to common courtesy and doing what is right.

* Because I get tired of being threatened with lawsuits over my blog for ridiculous reasons. I have always found it interesting that the Texas Section would ask me to post things of interest/information on the blog when they needed me but then would come against me when they didn't. Kind of a two sided coin there.

Mainly, I bother because I love officiating and I appreciate our officials in Texas and think we all have the right to expect truthfulness, openness, and honesty.


Anonymous said...

There sure is a lot of light starting to shine around Texas.

Anonymous said...

Once a preacher, always a preacher!

Keep preaching Randy, we hear you. Your flock is growing.

Anonymous said...

No wonder our Officials Committee meetings are so boring. Everything has already been decided in advance so why do we bother? The Texas Section spends a ton of money getting us all to the meeting so maybe our Chairman should let us do what we are supposed to do.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like sour grapes. Are you still depressed since your mighty Horns' failed to garner enough votes to be ranked in the Top 3?