Friday, January 30, 2009

Suggestions For The Upcoming Officials Committee Meeting

Since we now live in a country that is obsessed with TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY, I think it is a good time for us to share some of our suggestions for our Officials Committee to consider at their meeting on February 14th.
Hopefully, the AD HOC COMMITTEE has died a natural death and the OFFICIALS COMMITTEE will actually function in the realms of their intended purpose. There is much work to be done in Texas and that responsibility lies primarily with the Officials Committee under the direction of the Sectional Chairman.
Here are a couple of suggestions to prime the pump for the meeting:
* Disband forever more the practice of a secret Ad Hoc Committee that makes all the major decisions for the Officials Committee.
* Take some positive steps toward hosting additional schools throughout Texas for those officials who could not attend on the specific weekends in their cities.
* Demand accountability and openness concerning the financial issue related to one of our officials in a major city in Texas. The Sectional Chairman is well aware of this issue and should discuss it openly in the Officials Committee meeting and let them make the proper determinations.
* This time, be sure that the Sectional Chairman follows Roberts Rules of Order during the committee meeting.
Since I know that the leadership at the USTA (and their attorneys) regularly read our blog, I hope this all gets through to the proper channels.
Here's hoping for a productive Officials Committee Meeting on the 14th of February...


Anonymous said...

Financial issue? What's up with that? Somebody skimming?

Anonymous said...

A great way to start the meeting would be for Bruce Sampley to resign so we could get some leadership here in Texas.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that SL has finally realized tennis officiating won't pay the bills and has found a real job, thus the reason why she has gone AWOL from her normal officiating stomping grounds.