Sunday, February 01, 2009

And Our Heroes Were All Cowboys...

John Wayne

When we are growing up we all have HEROES, and its a great feeling. Seems that in our early years most of our heroes were cowboys...

President Ronald Reagan

As we grow older, our heroes are usually people we admire and respect. One of my greatest heroes is President Ronald Reagan.
The saddest times in our lives often occur when our heroes have fallen. Listed below are some of our national heroes that have fallen.

Tom Daschle

Former Senator & Current Administration Nominee

Credible Accusation: Tax Evasion

Michael Phelps

Olympic Swimming Gold Medalist

Credibly Accused: Smoking Pot

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like Phelps and Daschle are prime candidates for the cover of next year's FAC. Let's hurry up and get them certified!!! They would fit in well with this year's selections.