Monday, January 19, 2009

Astute Observations From An Aggie

I received these fine words of wisdom from an aglet friend of mine and thought they were worth sharing. Please feel free to draw your own conclusions...

The sport of choice for the urban poor is BASKETBALL.

The sport of choice for maintenance employees is BOWLING.

The sport of choice for front-line workers is FOOTBALL.

The sport of choice for supervisors is BASEBALL.

The sport of choice for middle management is TENNIS.

The sport of choice for corporate executives and officers is GOLF.
The higher you go in the corporate structure, the SMALLER YOUR BALLS BECOME.


Anonymous said...

Pondering Agglet's forwarding of an old internet posting, one asks, what is the day time profession or managemnt level of tennis officials? Certainly none of us can make a living doing this so, what do we officials do for our real jobs? I assume we are or, have been tennis players. Has anyone in the USTA or (oh forget asking if the TX Section has done it, we know the answer to that one) ever surveyed it's officials to see what we do for a living? Are we retired, senior management, young, old, middle aged, mid-level, professional, teachers, working Mom's or what? Not so that we can measure the size of our.....egos, rather to find out where we, as a group, come from. Also, it might give the ol' USTA somne information on which groups of tennis players to actively recruit from. It would seem that the only real thing the USTA thinks it knows about us is that there just ain't enough representatives of certain sub-sets of the population amongst us. Good grief, the USTA might actually learn something about these folks that they certify to officiate matches! And another question, just where did the USTA come up with the information that there weren't enough "alternative lifestyle" folks among the ranks? Did I miss the survery asking which side of the plate I swung from?

Anonymous said...

And to think some of our leaders carry 2 of these around!!!

Anonymous said...

This may be true, but it seems that you also spend less and less time handling them.