Thursday, January 15, 2009

Diversity: Is It Good or Bad?

"DIVERSITY" is definitely the big buzz word in our society today--and nowhere more evident than in the USTA and tennis officiating. Personally, I think the case is overstated and we are experiencing a knee jerk reaction instead of positive steps. I think our tennis officiating world (at least in Texas and Oklahoma) is doing just fine and I honestly don't think people really care if you are black, white, red, tan, or green and they sure don't care if you are hetero, metro, bi, or gay. Its time we slow down the pendulum in this area or we will find ourselves in the ditch of overreaction...

Like many of you I have received "instructions from above" that we should hire more minorities, women, and lesbians--and I find that instruction to be repugnant at best and repulsive at worst. I have friends that meet all those criteria but I sure don't (and won't) hire an official on the basis of those criteria...

Now for the ditch on the other side of the road... Here are some current examples:

* A well known female chair official is barred from chairing a certain female player's matches because she is trying to date her. You have got to be kidding--but it happened right here in Dallas.

* That same female chair official regularly sits in mixed groups of officials and extols the virtues of lesbianism to everyone within ear shot whether they want to hear it or not. If anyone objects, they are ridiculed as being "bigoted."

* A well known male official requests to do certain ITA matches because he thinks certain male players are hot and hung. Interesting road to go down there... I guess we could ask for statistics from the players before making any judgment here.

* A female official dares USTA officials to demote or not promote her quickly or she will "sue their pants off." Seems to happen on a regular basis...

Just some thoughts for your consideration. Seems like we have a ditch on either side of the road...


Anonymous said...

Do we have to guess who those officials are or are you going to tell us?

AR Hacked Off said...

my so apparently some officials do not read their Code of Ethics that state you can not be hot for player, sounds pretty easy in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Back in the 90's when the officials were staying at the Lowe's on Lexington, I kept seeing an official coming in the back entry (51st st.) during quali's with a female player and kept thinking what's up with that. You know the Official's Code and all. Nobody seemed to care or know what to do. Well, nothing was gonna be done by the walkie-talkie carriers because the 'official' was the hot-shot boy from Michigan and was the protege of one of our current National T/E's. You know the one who wouldn't a know a foot-fault if one occurred because in a solo match she focuses on the service line prior to the serve. You know the one with the rolled up sleeves. Anyway, come to find out the 'protege' (VP) was dating this player. Actually, they eventually got married; then in a few years got divorced; I think she took him to the cleaners. I guess it's Ok to date players as long as they don't advance out of quali's.

Anonymous said...

Back in the 90's when the officials were staying at the Lowe's on Lexington, I kept seeing an official coming in the back entry (51st st.) during quali's with a female player and kept thinking what's up with that. You know the Official's Code and all. Nobody seemed to care or know what to do. Well, nothing was gonna be done by the walkie-talkie carriers because the 'official' was the hot-shot boy from Michigan and was the protege of one of our current National T/E's. You know the one who wouldn't a know a foot-fault if one occurred because in a solo match she focuses on the service line prior to the serve. You know the one with the rolled up sleeves. Anyway, come to find out the 'protege' (VP) was dating this player. Actually, they eventually got married; then in a few years got divorced; I think she took him to the cleaners. I guess it's Ok to date players as long as they don't advance out of quali's.

RM said...

I know this lesbian chair official personally and to say she is "out" is an understatement. She even grabbed another female official by the butt but nothing was done by those in charge. I guess we believe in diversity at all costs.