Friday, January 02, 2009

The Revelation: A Sticky Position

Sometimes in life we are placed in positions that are very difficult--but overall, we know that we need to do the right thing. The is the basis of my new posting series on "The Revelation" because there are things that have gone on for far too long and need to be publicly revealed and addressed.

My next post will be on "The Secret Ad Hoc Committee" and will be crucial to all that I will be saying in the weeks to come. Basically, everything from here on out will relate directly to the secret committee.

I will not give any further details other than to say that I have been a part of that secret committee for over 6 years now and during that time have been very vocal in my opposition to the existence of such a committee. As the posts unfold you will understand why...

The post on the secret committee will reveal names of committee members as well as decisions that were reached in this committee; however, I will NOT be sharing specific things that were spoken by committee members since we all said we would never share specific things that were spoken in the meetings.

The post should arrive on Monday, January 5, 2009, so stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

This photo reminds me of the %*&& sniffs assigned to the Officials Committee. For all you brown nosers, you should be careful where you stick your snoot...

Anonymous said...


Looks like an official just had a conference with a National Evaluator.