Thursday, December 16, 2010

Part Four: Final Thoughts & The Value of Mud

Sometimes when we confront a controversial issue we have to decide if we are willing to get in the mud to find the final and workable solution. Seems to be the case with the criminal background checks. While the goal is admirable and attainable, we may have to go through some mud to get to victory...

There are times when your balls get wet you have to decide if you are willing to pay the price to get them out.

And in doing so, you sometimes get mud on your feet...

Always remember that you shouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

While I totally agree with the concept of background checks, I am a bit concerned about some of the legitimate questions that are being raised.

In order to keep from throwing out the baby with the bathwater, I would encourage everyone to do their background checks and we'll work on sorting out the details later.

I just hope we ITA officials aren't the baby that got thrown out with the water...


Anonymous said...

Over the past few days I've been looking at the list of officials who've passed their background checks The total number of approved officials has remained steady at 2165 for about 3 days. Wasn't there a report that said there were about 9.000 of us, out here? Does anyone find it strange that the "approved" number wouldn't be changing daily, if not hourly? U don't suppose the USTA has put the brakes on this, do you?

Anonymous said...

No, they are not stopping...just re-adjusting!
What is the big friggin deal - get a background check it take most of us three minutes or less and (THEY PAY FOR IT!),take the tests (it is OPEN BOOK) and each year they get better, go to the school those are a hassle - but can be informative and fun (SHOULD BE EVERY OTHER YEAR). Stop crying. THIS IS TO PROTECT THE KIDS - it is not to cause problems.

RM said...

Personally I think the background checks are a great idea. I just think they may have been a bit unprepared for the little kinks that arise when you do something like this. Hopefully they will get it straightened out before January 1st.

Anonymous said...

Of course there's Kinks in the system. This was a big task, although I didn't know there are over 6,000 USTA officials; my understanding the number was closer to 3,000. Maybe the higher number includes any support people, who might not necessarily be on-court officials.

You also have to understand the folks running/leading the USTA are people who probably can't do anything else. That's why they are where they are. Have you ever had to deal with some of those supervisors who run the USTA satelite events; real nimrods. They are just following the lead from the suits in NYC.