Sunday, October 26, 2008

Code of Conduct & New Blog Policies

The Code of Conduct forbids us ("An official shall not publicly criticize other officials) from publicly criticizing other officials but it is done all the time and most visibly from the top levels downward. This portion of the Code is used a leverage to stifle criticism and is used very selectively to punish officials that aren't liked or don't do what they are told. I could make a list of officials who have had their careers ruined because they did not follow the company line. And things should not be that way...

There are two real issues with this portion of the Code. First, the definition of criticism is at issue--and rightly should be. There is such a thing as "constructive criticism" and then there is "slanderous criticism" and this is not clearly delineated in the rule. Constructive criticism is good and develops better officials--slanderous criticism destroys lives and reputations. If you have ever worked the US Open you know they employ a thing called "CONSTRUCTIVE SLANDEROUS CRITICISM." It is right and good to criticize an official in order to make him/her better, but it is never right to malign or destroy another human.

Second, the definition of "public" is debateable. Some think it means in a blog and some think it means in a personal conversation. I tend to think that it means that you are trying to slander someone in a personal conversation, committee meeting, in print, or in a large group meeting. And its wrong whenever and wherever you slander someone.

Perhaps it is time for the rules committee to further define this rule...

After much legal consultation (with the US bar, Supreme Court analysists, and some good local attorneys) I have been told that any person who is appointed, elected, or hired within the world of the USTA is open to public evaluation and discussion.

THEREFORE, in the future, I will post comments that are pertaining to officials who are appointed, elected, or hired. Please try to keep your comments above board and without vulgar or slanderous comments. If they contain those, they will not be published.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My moles have informed me that Bruce Sampley is contemplating stepping down. Tusk tusk ole what a shame that would be… NOT! Is there any truth to this rumor?

I know a perfect candidate to take his place - and that person would be none other than I. All I would have to do is move back to Texas. Believe me, I would bust some heads to ensure the Section gets back on track. My first order of business would be to condemn a few select officials from College Station.