By Friday of this week we should know Nebraska's decision about jumping to the Big 10--and the demise of the Big 12...
Once Nebraska jumps ship you can be sure that Texas, A&M, Oklahoma, and OSU won't be far behind as they probably head to the Pac 10 (or should I say Pac 16).
We'll post more about this on Friday but what are your speculations about what this means for tennis and tennis officials in the Big 12??? I don't think it is going to be something that we like.
Baylor should enjoy the Conference USA if they let them join.
It won't be that different since all of those schools will still have tennis. Baylor is the school that will be affected the most since it will be left out in the cold. All this means is that Texas, Texas A&M, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, USC, UCLA, & Stanford will make for one hell of a conference tournament.
It will be very interesting to see how the tennis officiating plays out. Baylor NEVER should have been included in the Big 12 in the first place. Maybe Baylor can join Rice, Tulsa, Oral Roberts, A&M Corpus Christie, UTA, UTSA, UTPA, TCU, and others and create their own conference.
I can almost guarantee that the officiating costs at Baylor will be curtailed now that the school doesn't have Big 12 funds to steal from.
Did anybody listen to Mackie Brown last night during his interview? Talk about a pompous arrogant &@@. Poor little Texas will have to start playing football now. No more free games and then getting killed in a BCS bowl.
No more Big 12 Coordinator of Officials!
I don't know if that'll happen, at least not anytime soon.
I mean jumping to another Conference would also mean more competition, and while competition is always good, having to compete with so many great teams in the same Conference year-to-year seems less than ideal...
When this conference realignment goes through, you guys better get behind the Big 12 Officials Coordinator. She has done an excellent job in securing a great compensation package for the conference match officials. Without her, this package would not be where it is today. Remember that the next time you think about bashing her.
If we're lucky, she will take the lead in developing this program for the new conference. If not, it will revert back to the "old ways". Think about that!!
The alternative would be dealing with the self-appointed ITA guru, Jane, out in California. Think about that!!
Good point Wally "she" is good no matter how bad these guys bash her - and by the way, your ALWAYS thinking ahead Wally and ALWAYS seem to be right - I love you Wally - Beaver.
Its 2:30 p.m. on Friday and so far Colorado has gone to the Pac 10 and Nebraska has asked to go to the Big 10.
Still no word on UT, A&M, or Tech.
Just heard on Austin radio, it's a DONE DEAL...Horn's go to PAC 10 along with Texas Tech, Oklahoma, and Oklahoma State. Aggies still pondering the SEC...
To BeVo who obviously doesn't have a clue about the facts concerning Baylor--how could you ever think they didn't belong in the Big 12? They are #3 behind Texas and A&M in Big 12 championships in all sports, two Elite 8 teams in basketball, two Elite teams in tennis, highest graduation rate among all athletes, and the list goes on. Only thing they haven't done well in is Football. Don't let you mouth overload your butt, BeVo!
I know what I'm talking about. If Baylor had anything to offer (i.e., monetarily), they would be invited to one of the super conferences, but they don't. Money talks and Baylor doesn't cut it. Dismal TV and football audiences is what kills their chances. It's not about how good you are at individual sports, but how many people you draw in to make money.
Yeah, once again you have the Baylor pansies whining about being left out. Maybe they should pass the collection plate around a couple of more times during church services and raise money for their non-revenue producing sports they are so good at. My point is "WHO CARES"
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