Thursday, June 17, 2010

Clearing Up Confusion About ITA Wear

There have been some rumors spread around that the USTA has "disallowed" our ITA apparel and I wanted to make some things very clear in this discussion.

* We have written approval from the ITA to have the ITA logo on our shirts.
* We have permission from our USTA Sectional Chairman Bruce Sampley and subsequently from the USTA.
* They have been using ITA logo shirts in California for quite a few years and in Denver for a few years--and the USTA didn't like it then either. If they are going to "disapprove" our apparel, then they will have to go after California, Washington, Hawaii, Texas, & Colorado.
* The USTA is still causing difficulties in Washington and Hawaii as well as Texas when it comes to ITA apparel.

Basically it boils down to the USTA trying to flex their muscles over the ITA but the sooner they realize they are separate entities, the better things will be. You do remember that the USTA has sent out materials saying they are not responsible for ITA events and matches.

At the 2010 Texas Section Officials School, Bruce Avery (USTA leadership) made the following two statements:

1. "The USTA is trying to distance itself from the ITA."
2. "The USTA would prefer that you do not wear a USTA shirt when doing ITA matches."

Folks, that makes their intent quite clear...

We are "independent contractors" when we are working for the universities and therefore are free to choose what we wear or don't wear. Since we have the written approval of the ITA, we will be using the new ITA logo shirts.

Feel free to order your apparel at the site listed to the right of this page.


Wally said...

"I'll let you know what I know when I know it."

Thanks Randy.

Now we know.....

Anonymous said...

You know Randy, I can't imagine why the usta would have a problem with the ITA shirts. They seem to fit the usta diversity initiative:
You are offering a men's shirt and a women's shirt;
and I'll bet that the apparel company can make the men's shirts that button on the other side for THOSE diverse officials!

Anonymous said...

It has just occurred to me that maybe the reason for the push-back from the USTA suits, is that the new ITA Logo gear is not using the approved USTA vendor in supplying this gear. That means that "someone" is not getting their cut of this uniform purchase!!

Randy, don't be surprised if the SEIU comes and knocks on your door!!