Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer Tennis Camps

Listed below is a list and sites for the various tennis camps sponsored by our Texas universities. If you know of any other camps, please send in their contact information and they will be listed.


Anonymous said...

You missed the TxA&M camp - it is very good - I really like Randy Stewart and his team of coaches.

BUT A BETTER ONE MIGHT BE AN OFFICIAL'S SUMMER CAMP!... I think we should have an Officials Tournament (NON-sanctioned) and only let certified Officials play! MAN THAT WOULD BE FUN! Maybe let a parent be the chair official or better yet - let some of our nice coaches.

We could have our meeting(s) AND have the tournament. Have a cook out and a few adult drinks. We could get our own sponsors and gifts!

Do it in a good location where everyone can get to it.

My thoughts - BACO

RM said...

I sent a note to A&M requesting their information but have not heard anything yet. If you know the site, send it and I will publish it.

Anonymous said...

You know RM - when it comes down to it - A Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring CAMP for all of us Officials (in a great location) would be an incredible idea - we are doing something that we love... I really wish that we could put together a list of GOOD THINGS or PEOPLE happenings instead of all the negative things... I say get everyone together and share ideas and have FUN!
The saying goes: There is work that is work and there is play that is play; there is play that is work and work that is play. And in only one of these lie happiness.
I love the work - therefore I am happy.