2011 US Open Golf Champion
Rory McIlroy broke all kinds of records in winning the US Open Golf Championship yesterday. An exciting new face on the golf scene and a young man with integrity, manners, and a sense of history.
Perhaps it would behoove some of our young tennis players to emulate his example...
This Kid is the real deal I have been watching him for some years now. He's is mature beyond his years and has a sense of self and that he is not and will not ever be bigger than the game. There is always a NEXT and he is a once in 100 year talent. If he stays healthy he WILL be the one to break Jack's major record and he will do it with class, dignity and humility. It is an exciting time with the new generation in golf and in Rory you are watching one of the best players to ever pick up a club in the history of the game!!!! Can we find out how to teach the majority of professional tennis players to have this same sort of respect and sense of reality? That would be great but will probably never happen as many are too spoiled and arrogant to even realize that they don't get it. It starts with family which obviously Rory has a good foundation with his mother and father and they have found the right people to surround him to foster his progress as a person and athlete. Good on them. Any arrogant golfer could claim that it is the elitest environment in golf that makes them turn out that way but you see it much less than in Tennis. Why is this? Tennis players and the sport need a major overhaul in many ways for it to really continue to be a viable product that people stay interested in. Gimmicks like Hawkeye and other new technological advances are nice and provide a temporary bandaid to a bigger problem. How about more integrity in the entire game with players, officials and all involved. Instead of characters to make the game interesting how about adding character back to the people and players in the game. No problem with personalities within the game as that too creates interest in all sports. It is only a component not the way a sport survives. Everyone enjoys rivalries and tough competition lets just give them something to really be able to identify with and it will help the sport grow to what it could and should be. Sorry for the long rant but thanks for properly identfying a Great New Champion and ambassador to continue to watch for the future in golf. Peace out.
What can you take from this kids winning ways... As his Coach says - all he does is Practice Practice Practice and when he feels tired - HE PRACTICE's SOME MORE!
NEW TOPIC RM - Where are our AMERICAN players??? Why are we behind other countries when it comes to top players?
The US is missing something when it comes to Tennis Champions - I think it is called WANT TOO!
The 'WANT TOO' for most of our American players is TV, computers and taking the LAZY way out of everything?
We have a way of not paying the price for excellence... THAT is why we are behind...
New slogan for Nike:
Just the Truth:
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