Sunday, October 03, 2010

How Would You Rule?

In a UIL dual match, one of the players blasted the ball into the parking lot after losing his doubles match. What would you do?

1. Code violation, point penalty assessed in his singles match which is to follow.

2. Do nothing.

3. Pat him on the head and say, "Good hit."

4. Call his Mother to the court and have her deal with him.

Remember: UIL rules are distinctively different...


ZOO GIRL said...

I would whip out my Friend At Court while asking them to wait while I look up the appropriate rule! Once I couldn't find it, I'd make up my own rule, kick him to the curb and make his point penalty follow him around like a bad penny :-)

Anonymous said...

Was his family there??

Anonymous said...

People wonder why the FAC is 300 pages long. And even at 300 pages, it still doesn't list all the rules. I know that UIL rules are different, but can someone tell me why?

Anonymous said...
This is the web site for the UIL Tennis Manual. Good luck. It does mention the PPS but only lists the results and not causes. If you have never done a UIL event be prepared for the "All coaches agree to" rules.

Anonymous said...