Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Season of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect upon all our blessings of the year--and we have many! Let's all be thankful that we are part of the best officiating family in the universe. Enjoy the friendships and time we get to spend together...

One of the blessings I DO NOT enjoy at Thanksgiving is pumpkin pie. Illustrated below is an explanation of where pumpkin pie comes from and why I do not like it...



Anonymous said...

You know Randy, we are very lucky in Texas with the overall quality of officials we get to work with. I am so lucky to have these folks as my friends. There are a few that frustrate us, but that's the same in any profession. I challenge someone to come up with a profession that has a 100% competent membership.

Yes, the leadership in Texas could be better, but most of us seem to do quite well in spite of that cavernous void!

Yes, it would be nice if some ITA coordinators wouldn't play favorites with their assignments, but most of us get a nice work schedule in spite of their mind games!

Yes, it would be nice if some officials didn't feel the need to squash us 'little people' as they climb the ladder of USTA success. But hey, it makes me laugh to see them work a full day calling lines for half of what I get paid for chairing an elite Division I match.

We do have a bunch to be thankful for if we would just take one (or maybe two) steps back and look at the bigger picture!

Now . . . as to pumpkin pies! Send them my way. It doesn't get any better at Thanksgiving - especially with Cool Whip on top!

RM said...

One of the difficulties of leadership is that no matter what you decide, some will like it and some won't. You just have to do the best you can and then move on.

RM said...

As an ITA coordinator, I do enjoy playing mind games with my friends since they all do it to me...

BTW, the ONLY people that will be working with me are people that I like... (and hopefully like me)

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