Thursday, November 05, 2009

The Extremes of Diversity

World Famous Transgendered Tennis Player

The Dallas Morning News carried a story this morning about the Council on Diversity in the City of Ft. Worth. Seems that the Council is suggesting that the city pay all the medical expenses for sex change operations for their employees...

Seems that DIVERSITY TALK AND TRAINING has gotten us into more trouble than they were trying to avoid. It has certainly affected tennis officiating throughout the US. Here are some observations about diversity obsession:

* It has led to enlisting some officials who never should have been officials.
* It has led to our predicament of not being able to get rid of inept officials.
* It has led to the threat of lawsuits on every hand.
* It has led to a sense of paranoia at the administrative level because of lawsuits.
* It has caused the white male over 50 to be an endangered species in America.

Personally, I get very weary of hearing this constant talk of diversity. Why don't we just become receptive to anyone regardless of their race, creed, religion, sexual orientation or whatever. That would cure the problem but legislating and overreacting isn't going to fix the problem...

Plus, it will probably bankrupt the City of Ft. Worth.


RM said...

One of the drawbacks of blogging is that you sometimes get lewd and obscene posts from some bloggers.

To the obviously gay male who keeps writing vile posts--give it up. You won't ever be published...

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of a famous quote from a movie: "Have you seen my weiner?"

Wally said...

Here's a tip to the Ft. Worth City Administrator. You should contact the National USTA office. They will be able to help you in this matter.

K. S. Holmes said...

I think the surgery that Ft Worth needs to pay for is the amputation of the Council on Diversity.