Wednesday, November 04, 2009

New Question: How Would You Rule?

Scenario: UIL 4A Regional Tournament.

During a hotly contested singles match with numerous bystanders and parents watching and cheering, the parent of Player B cheered long and loud after a winning point by his son. At this point, Player A shot the finger at the father. Then the coach of Player A ran to the court and began to verbally berate Player B and his father. No official was close to the court so it was not witnessed by an official but the site director was called to the court.

The site director basically told them all to behave and quit acting like idiots. (Probably good advice.)

What would you have done as a site official:

1. Meet with the coach and inform him that under no circumstances is he to address the parents of another player or the player himself. He is free to call for the official but personal involvement is prohibited.

2. Meet with both players and tell them that this kind of behavior is unacceptable and that no further bad behavior would be tolerated.

3. Code Player B because his father said something out loud.

4. Code Player A because he shot the finger at a parent.

5. Code the coach for berating a parent and a player on the opposing team.

6. Do nothing and pretend it never happened.

7. Be glad you had a good site director that at least tried to diffuse the situation.

This actually happened so we would appreciate your comments and thoughts on the issue...


Anonymous said...

1 & 2

Anonymous said...

Go take another pee...

Anonymous said...

As a site director I would have done a combination of things. First I would ask the coach of player A if he witnessed what happened and if he did, I would ask him why he didn't code his player. If he didn't see what happened, I would meet with both(#2)and then Meet with the coach(#1). I would then talk to the Parent of player B and inform him that his action was unsportsmanlike comduct and if it happened again, his son would be coded for his(parent) conduct. I would then have the official monitor that court for a while or stay there myself.

Anonymous said...

Randy, you know me. I would give a warning to player A for shooting the finger. Code the coach for yelling at the other player and parent, he should know better. Warn the parent that yelled to keep quiet. If that didn't work then I would break all of their rackets. ;)


Ed said...

Guess this would be a good time to go take my smoke break.