Monday, September 05, 2016

Are You Hireable?

This is the time of year when referees are looking for new officials and at the same time, deciding who they will continue to use for their matches and tournaments.  New officials often ask "What do I need to do to get hired?"  Well, its not so much what you need to do but who you are.  Here are some of the traits that will get you hired:

You either have it or you don't and people know it.  Not necessary to definite because you know what it means if you have it and if you can't define it, then you probably don't have it.

Nothing bothers an instructor more than to hear a new official say, "I know that" every time you try to show or teach them something.  Quality instructors and referees will always place a high premium on a teachable spirit.  A teachable spirit will trump experience every time.


A person who been through a storm often makes the best official.  One who continually creates a storm will probably not get the job.  How one handles a storm often determines their hire.

An official who isn't deserving of respect isn't deserving to be hired.  You can't buy it or teach it--its something that comes naturally and springs out of a person's character.

A smile on your face is an indicator of a happy spirit and countenance.  If you don't know how to do it, you had better learn or you will have an unhappy officials' experience.


If you can't get along with other officials then don't bother applying.  You won't last long...  The ability to get along with others is something you can learn but its not an easy process.  Remember--you have to be a friend to have a friend--and you most definitely need them in officiating.

A continually late official is usually going to be an unemployed official.  If you are continually late don't complain when you don't get to work there any longer.  Being on time can be a learned trait but some don't ever get it.


Since we now wear different hats (and numerous different shirts) in officialdom, be sure to dress well so you are an asset to your profession.  Be clean and look good--and if you don't know what that means then you probably aren't.  A good referee wants his staff to look sharp!

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