Have you ever been confronted by a player, coach, or parent and asked if they can video a match? If so, its imperative that you know the rules and regulations. Learn them well...
There are times that video taping a match is perfectly legal and there are times that it is expressly forbidden. It is the responsibility of the tournament director and/or referee to know the rules--and know them well.
Here are the UIL and USTA rules for video taping in Texas:
According to section 1208 (m) of the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules:
(1) Non-Conference and District Contests.
(A) Videotaping/Filming by Schools.
(i) It is a violation to videotape or film a non-conference or district athletic
contest in which your school or team is not competing unless prior consent
of the two schools involved has been obtained.
(ii) A school does not have to obtain permission to film or tape a non-conference
or district contest in which it is competing. However, the film or videotape
may not be utilized until after the contest has been completed.
(iii) Films and videotapes become the property of the school doing the filming
unless by district rule or by consent of the schools involved in the contest.
(B) Videotaping/Filming by Individuals. Any individual taping or filming must have
permission from the schools involved in the contest and may not obstruct the
view of the other spectators of the contest.
(C) Commercial Uses. Use of the films or tapes for commercial purposes must be
approved by all schools involved in the contest.
(2) Regional and State Playoffs.
(A) Schools and/or individuals must have prior approval of the tournament director
to film or videotape a regional or state tournament, and may not obstruct the
view of other spectators of the contest.
(B) Commercial enterprises must have prior approval of the tournament director
and the UIL director to film or videotape a regional or state tournament, and
may not obstruct the view of other spectators of the contest.
"The videotaping/photography for personal non-commercial purposes of any portion of a sanctioned USTA event is permissible under the law, much like any event in a public place (zoo, park, mall, etc). If a parent or party objects to their player being photographed, they may as the tournament director to intercede on their behalf and request that any photographer stop photographing or reposition their camera to exclude their player. However, other than optional compliance or respectful consideration, there are no ground to DENY anyone the right to photograph."
Be especially sure that you are aware of the specific rules where express permission is required. We would strongly suggest that every official have a printed copy of their rules in their on-court bags. You never know when you will need it...