Monday, August 22, 2016

A Timely Reminder: Rules of our Tennis Officiating World

One of the goals of TENNIS OFFICIALS WORLD is to share articles about tennis officiating that are interesting to our readers.  We currently have over 200 hits a day and have just recently exceeded 400,000 readers in our history.

In order to keep our readers happy and interested, we will be making some changes in the coming weeks.  One of the special changes is that we will be adding articles about officiating from different authors.  We think you will find these interesting and informative.

As we seek to grow our group, please keep these guiding principles in mind:

*  We are no longer a tennis blog.  We are simply a site where officials, players, coaches, and fans can share their view about tennis officiating.  Our goal is to expand our "family" and readership to include everyone.

*  To provide as much help as possible to everyone in our tennis officiating world.  This includes informative articles as well as links to all areas of information.  These links will always be listed on the right hand side of our web page.

*  We want to especially develop the family concept among tennis officials.  From time to time we will include real-life photos from our tennis officials world.

*  Our articles will include officiating questions, answers, different scenarios, and anything else anyone can think of.  Some articles will be pointed, some humorous, some ridiculous, but all will pertain to the world of tennis officiating and all its complexities.

*  There will be no articles printed that pertain specifically to the Big 12 Conference.

*  Comments are always welcome and can be added to any article.  You can either do them anonymously or sign your real name.  Noone will ever be embarrassed for making a comment either positive or negative.  Vulgarities and personal attacks will not be tolerated.

*  Any certified tennis official is welcome to share any need or request for help in their area at any time.

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