Personally, I have worked with Bobby for the past 10 years and have always found him to be a man of integrity, fairness, and a friend of officials. He was animated, fun, and a joy to work with and will be missed. Hopefully Bobby will find another coaching position real soon; or, enjoy his retirement completely!
Thanks Bobby for the many wonderful memories of working with you and the A&M women's tennis team...
I guess not A&M will be using the ITA shirts the other schools use instead of that crapy USTA multi-coloured shirt.
Bobby didn't like the green ITA shirts because they were in "Baylor colors." We had great fun teasing him about that...
Sounds to me like the higher ups made a BAD decision...If your going to go in a "different direction" you better come up with someone as classy as Steve - that is the ONLY way us Aggie fans will EVER 'Get Over It'.
Is it true that MAYBE Bob McKinley might move over to that position? THAT would be a GREAT move.
COACH K - you will be missed!!!
Let's face it. Kleinecke's teams haven't done anything as long as I can remember. There is a lot of money being spent on Athletics at A&M and some of the former students have had enough waiting. There is no valid reason why A&M shouldn't be able to recruit a world class team and knock Baylor off their high horse. Especially looking at how weak most of the Women's teams are, including Baylor.
It won't be long before Texas realizes they need a change of direction too. I'm frankly shocked that UT hasn't made a change. Probably because they are too nervous on how to get rid of their football coach so everything else is being overshadowed. It's becoming quite embarrasing that some little Baptist school in a terd of a town can recruit players and the two big universities in the state of Texas can't.
We should recruit Bobby to be an official now that he's out of work. Wouldn't it be a hoot to see him in that coveted green shirt doing a Baylor Women's match. PRICELESS
Oh yeah, make that black. Somebody had to go off and change colors on us after we had already made our purchases.
I would let Bobby wear my green one but alas, I sold it to someone in Oklahoma since they still use them.
We switched to black because the vast majority of officials said they wanted to change.
BTW, you can still wear a green one in Waco.
I will wear a black one when SMU decides to pay a little better than NOTHING!!!!
I say change the shorts to cycling shorts and let the chips fall where they should!
When is Texas going to realize they need a change in direction for their Women's program?
Everyone knows that Mr. Bernie West lives in the "turd town" called Waco and ALL of the internationsl girls want to be around him!!!
UT Women don't need a "change in direction". Good coach, good program, I would be happy if my kids play there. Not every team in the country can be top 5 every year. UT has been doing a lot better than A&M on the women's side.
Officials that don't like Patty feel that way b/c she's hard on them. She's hard on them b/c they are missing calls. Patty is a very good coach.
Patti is a good coach - she has few PREMADONNA's that think they are bigger than life UNTIL they meet up with the Baylor girls who put them in their place. I like the fact that Patti recruits a lot of US players. BUT, don't get me wrong - they all have foreign players and need them to even stay close.
It is sad to see Patti give her advice to some of these girls and them roll their eyes at her... sad on the girls part not Patti's.
I was around when Vonia was there and Patti did a good job of sitting her out - maybe she needs to sit a few others out - REMEMBER when it comes to the students - it is EDUCATION and CHARACTER that last not top twenty.
Maybe the A&M administration should pay attention that.
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