As human beings, we sometimes manage to get our "panties in a wad."
A blog is an avenue for open exchange of opinions and ideas and comments on those same things. I have recently had people tell me that they wanted to censor every comment--but then who will be the ultimate censor if I permit something to be printed that they disagree with. Not all comments are going to be loving and affirming so if you don't like that, then don't read the blog...
As tennis officials we in a sense are public officials and are open to public opinion and scrutiny. People are going to have their opinions of our public job performance--and rightly so. We live in America and there is freedom of speech. This blog will continue to confront wrongs, lies, inuendos, violations of rules and at the same time offer an avenue for sharing stories and having input about rules questions. That's what the blog is for...
Let me also remind you that if you come on this blog and write a comment that attacks everyone who reads it and comments on here, then be prepared for the backlash. You can't have it both ways...
I hope you understand where I am coming from. I love having this blog and feel like its a lot of fun for a lot of people. Let's don't let a few comments ruin our enjoyment.
Note: A special thanks to all who read and comment. You make it all worthwhile. Keep up the good work!
RM, looks like you finally caved in. Were you threatened with loss of revenue or did Jesus come to you in a dream?
He came to me in a vision while I was getting my truck washed and waxed. Basically, He said to "consider the source and just forget it."
On the other hand, I wish I had a revenue to lose...
Yes, the comments get ugly, but such comments demonstrates that officiating is filled with unhealthy folks that are taking all of this way too seriously.
It is just a blog folks.
Good show Mr. McDonald!
In the end - usuaully good people do the right thing!
In all seriousness Randy, I'm glad to see the same type of "common sense" that bloggers sometimes refer to in the "How Would You Rule" postings has come into play ref some other recent postings.
I'm glad to see that you have come to your good senses! And we will not be able to talk about College Station anymore.
Eeyore...how does it feel to know that your ex-girlfriend has been to the Big 12 Championships and you NEVER will! Stay up there in the North, even though they don't want you up there either!
If College Station or those therein violate rules, ignore certifications, lie, or otherwise manipulate the truth, then we will indeed discuss them--and in detail.
Just so you know that we do stand for certain principles on here and if they are violated, there will be discussion.
Anon. 2:51,
How do you know that Eeyore has never been to the Big 12 Championships--or do you know something that we don't know?
If there was a dating relationship then we would also like to hear the truthful details since you seem to be so knowledgeable.
I've been to the Big 12 Championships, thank you. It wasn't that big of a deal everybody makes it out to be. Long hours with rain and grueling matches. And hell no that woman was never been nor never will be my girlfriend.
On a lighter note, I just got from Austin this past weekend for my annual birthday party and it was a real blast. You all should come next year. It's always in Pease Park, the last weekend of April.
If you look close, you can see a glimpse of me in this video of the festivities at my annual birthday bash...
I'm getting a little worried! Eeyore is being vaguely nice... Of course we are now sure there was no dating relationship in CS.
I understand that we cannot talk bad about people - BUT THE TRUTH IS THE TRUTH - PLEASE do not forget about the FAT POLL!
Panties in a Wad - if you think about the word Panties (and I do often) that is a funny name and plural - so, why is Bra not not plural?
I am a respected Chair-person and I too, have wondering thoughts - ESPECIALLY when I am overseeing a girls line six match - when the average rally is 30-37 balls.
Sometimes I think that they overlook the ide of PUTTING A BALL AWAY!
Come to think of it Why do "overlook" and "oversee" mean opposite things?
Just wondering...
Dear respected fellow official RM, if you do truly show a change in your ways and not post anything related to my most unbeloved official in the whole wide world, then this will be the last comment received from this creature. So long and salutations to my other beloved friends out there in cyber land.
Eeyore has left the building.
My dearly beloved Eeyore...
Please don't deprive us of your presence. I shall continue (in your case only) to print your posts relative to a certain location in our state. However, you will have to be vaguely nice.
Hope this will keep you among us.
You're becoming such a passey
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