USC Pep Band at the NCAA's
Personally, I think it would lend itself to a great evening of fun and excitement. Of course they should only be able to play before the match, after the match, and during the break between doubles and singles but just think of the strands of "The Eyes of Texas", the Aggie War Hymn, Boomer Sooner, and whatever they sing in Waco rafting through the trees and in your hearts!
However, the thoughts would then turn to World Team Tennis and whether we should allow them to play during the points. Interesting thought... The Big 12 does not permit noise makers at their matches but they could attend the non-conference matches. SMU has a great band so I just imagine them playing while the Pony runs rampant.
Here are a few songs I might recommend for them to sing:
At University of Texas: "Precious Memories"
At A&M: "Victory in Jesus"
At OU: "The Land That Is Fairer Than Day"
At Baylor: "I Shall Not Be Moved" or "The Fight Is On"
At Texas Tech: "The Land of the Unclouded Day"
At Kansas State: "It Took A Miracle"
At Nebraska: "Thank God Almighty, I'm Free At Last"
What the heck do they sing in Waco? "God Bless The Big Black Bear"?
Kansas would hum "I'm a Jayhawk" or the "Rock Chalk Chant", but they don't even play the national anthem before their matches, so the possibility of getting a pep band out there is remote.
ahhhhh the ignorant no they do not sing the Big Black Bear..... Personally
I would like to see more support from the University's in all College Tennis..Cheer Leaders or small Bands to help improve Turnout and Support might help Stop Programs from Dropping the Sport...and Increasing the Funding for the Sport...Anything ositive they would help the sport would be Greatly Appreciated in my Opinion...
I realize they do not sing about a big black bear but all they seem to do is lift one paw like a wounded bear. What do they actually sing when they do sing something?
That Good Old Baylor Line! ♫
That Good Old Baylor Line!
We’ll march forever down the years,
As long as stars shall shine.
We’ll fling our Green and Gold afar
To light the ways of time,
And guide us as we onward go;
That Good Old Baylor Line!
The new Rise Up theme song by David Crowder is football's newest anthem.
Bear down you Bears of old Baylor U,
We're all for you (GO BEARS)
Show dear old Baylor spirit
Through and through (GO BEARS)
Fight them with all your might
You Bruins bold
And win all our victories for the Green and Gold!
(spellout) B - A - Y - L - O - R
Baylor Bears Fight!
Fight them with all your might
You Bruins bold
And win all our victories for the Green and Gold!
BAY - LOR - Baylor Bears Fight!
Obviously we have a large and musically talented readership in Waco...
I hope to see such support from all Schools for the Sport...with the Economy not growing...I have noticed Programs spending less on the sport and traveling less..therefore less matches to Officiate.....I am not encouraging charging for the match...but I think we should all like to see the schools promoting and supporting the sport more...
I think it would be a great idea and Texas Tech could re-instate their infamous flying tortillas at home matches. Heck, they could even use some of those left over sausages from the NCJAAs and eat to their little heart's content.
What the hell is a Baylor Line? Is that the line the students stand in when they buy their adult beverages before going to praise JESUS on Wednesday nights?
Thank JESUS your blog doesn't have sound. Me thinks a lot of the Baylor cubs can't hold a note.
Arkansas routinely has the school pom-pom team out to perform during the 10-minute break during the early indoor matches.
If we're going to let them drink, might as well let the band play. The grass at Wimbledon will curl up and die, cause it can't spin in its grave.
RAH RAH RAH - code violation
I forgot to ask...
What does a Horned Toad sing?
ESPN 2 televised a re-cut version of the UVA and USC finals match last night. They cut the whole thing down to an hour,and showed the USC band members. It appeared that they might have also been playing their victory jingle during change overs, but again with the editing, it was hard to tell.
I'm sorry I missed the viewing of the men's match, but I did get to see the women's match and it was very exciting...came down to a tie-break in the 3rd set for the Championship. Stanford hasn't lost a home match since 1999...they lost the streak last night. The clinching point was decided by Embree at line 2 singles after having been DOWN 4-0 in the final set...Great match for women's tennis!
Code Violation - Women's Tennis - mental anguish!!!!
I have developed a different opinion on the band issue. Having watched just the hour ESPN replay of the USC-UVA match, I now have that stupid USC victory jingle stuck in my head and it won't go away. I would hate to think I could get school fight songs stuck in my head for every match I rove at.
That is true unless it is the beautiful refrain of "Texas Fight!"
Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner, Boomer Sooner,
I'm Sooner born, I'm Sooner bred, and when I die I'm Sooner dead,
Rah Oklahoma, Rah Oklahoma, Rah Oklahomaaaaaaa,
I thin the Myronian has been stuffing the ballot box again!
I don't know who Anonymous of May 27th is, but he or she has a GREAT sense of humor. Laughed out loud at that one!
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