Here is a great scenario right out of the Mountain West Men's Conference Tournament:
Mountain West Conference Championships last Sat at Air Force Academy, TCU v. BYU men FINAL BYU server hits a first serve and it hits the tape and flies up in the air...no way was it landing in the service box. While ball is air borne, the TCU coach catches it and he was standing in his proper designated place on court for coaching.
How would you rule:
1. Loss of point for TCU for TCU Coach interfering with flight of served ball.
2. Let, replay the point (receiver had a play on the serve, but for TCU coach catching it)
3. Second Serve
4. Official coaches warning for catching a live ball.
5. Let, replay the point for Official Coach Interference with play.
SPECIAL NOTE: The referee ruled #3 but then gave them a let because the officials took so long to make the ruling.
The ruling on court was correct until the let was awarded. The delay was due to the server's protest (I assume) therefore, he cannot be granted a let due to his own delay.
Sounds like our old question about the DI men's - servers partner catching the ball off tape before it bounced... my ruling would be - second serve.
What if one of the over anxious ball kids catch the ball?
Until the rule book says the ball must bounce for DI men before it is called out of play, I say play second serve - especially since there was no chance of the ball landing in!!!
Again - common since would be nice!
This is a no-brainer. It is second serve. The Server protesting his own call does a let not make.
Seems like everyone wants to BEND the rule for their own benefit...
I know that rules are rules BUT,
It would be nice if EVERYONE played by the Golden Rule...
Do on to others as you'd have done to you!
At the end of the day - when I make a ruling and I follow that rule - I sleep pretty good at night. I could careless if anyone agrees or disagrees...ESPECIALLY hovering COACHES or REFEREES!!
I would have ruled second serve since the TCU coach was in his proper place when he caught the ball.
Then to soothe the wounded feelings, I would have offered them half of a free Gatorade after the match was over since we took so long to make the ruling.
Good thing this situation didn't happen in Tulsa. The TCU coach would have immediately been assessed a coaching conduct default penalty for obstructing play by the HomeBoy Referee; PJ.
I would rule second serve. No let. Here is why: If the coach is in his proper position, he becomes a fixture, same as a linesman or the chair for that matter. What if the coach had been watching the match next to this court and been hit unknowingly by the ball. It would have been an easy second serve call. I would have cautioned the coach not to catch the ball in the future just to pacify the other coach and make my life easier. Ball kids are another matter they are usually much closer to the court and can interfere with a playable ball.
You boys miss the point. I'm sure the coach was trying to stop the ball from going onto the adjacent court preventing a disruption of play.
Common sense goes a long way to solving problems. Some officials seem to be lacking cranial neurons in this particular area.
But you are right about that home cooker. He would have issued a coaches code of conduct violation and in all likelihood immediately default the player on the court where the infraction just occurred.
I would go with #1 since the coach did not let the ball bounce, no different than hitting a player on the fly.
of course I guess second serve would have been the proper thing and just warn the coach to just let the ball bounce next time.
Praise be to the decision to offer a 2nd serve. Most coaches are sensible and reasonable and wouldn't pitch a fit if the 1st serve was obviously a known fault based on where the coach stood at that time. If the BYU player/server or his coach didn't put up a fuss and there was no discussion on the matter, I'd offer a 2nd serve only. Offering a first serve would be dependent upon who caused the further delay IMHO....
Both players on both teams were arguing with the Chair Umpire...it was not just the server. The chair did a poor job shutting the argument down and it lasted about a min. When David caught the ball he was behind the chair in a position that the ball would have had to have wings to get back into the court. Believe me...the BYU coach wanted coaching interference. I took full responsibility for over ruling the chair.
And by the way... the TCU men were the classiest group there. David and Mark were fierce competitors as coaches but conducted themselves in a very professional manner on and off the court. The TCU team and coaches were exceptionally well behaved the entire tournament.
ok since AD made the decision, I fully support it. :)
Just brush up on the spanish words.
Trying to tie this back to a fat official... WHAT IF a fat official caught the ball thinking it was food... no different than David catching the ball thinking it was gift he could give Carl at SMU. I say no interference and play second serve.
You have to use judgement. Like not to eat all the time. Just because there is a free lunch does not mean you have to gorge yourself. COME ON FAT OFFICIALS - THINK!!!!
I have a question - who is the fattest Referee?
What if some girl is sooo fat that she looks horrible in her clothes - is it possible to be reassigned a match?
COME ON ANON - 2:49, 2:50, 2:55 tell us your name - I want you on my crew.
Whoever you are Jason you must not have followed the thread. Spanish had nothing to do with any of this.
Don't change the subject Al - unless you are fat...?
By the way - how do you say Fat in Spanish
Love FAC
ANON 3:54
My name now is FAC - AKA...
Fat As_ Chairperson
AL it was an inside joke of mine from 10-11 years ago. Just joshing with you.
Jason - DO NOT be calling people names on this BLOG - JOSH is not a nice word...
The service was obviously out. So, why would you want to press harder on the buttons of a remote control when you know the batteries are dead?
The serve was out and no way to land in and the Coach just trying to prevent ball from sailing on adjacent court, so why all the fuss about a nonissue here?
I guess the Chair made a mistake by calling First serve instead of second serve. We all make mistakes, why does it have to create so much drama just move the match forward...
I just had an interesting phone call from a league player at this past weekend's tournament at Arlington Tennis Center. In his doubles match in very windy conditions, the server's ball hit the net and hit his (receiver's) partner in the air. The person at the tournament desk told the players it was loss of point. How wrong is that?
Wrong - Let - FIRST serve.
The rest of the story is that the BYU player claimed (unsubstantiated but possible) that the same thing happened the prior day and his opponent (the server) was awarded the let - first serve. Complicated the issue a bit!
I thought Al made a good solid ruling & support it fully. Still wrestling with "common sense" vs the RULE??
There is more to the BYU vs TCU "Let" story.
The BYU player (server) claimed that in a match the day before the same thing happened (unsubstantiated but possible)and his opponent the server received a let - first serve. Complicated the issue a bit.
I fully support Al's ruling. I am struggling with "common sense" vs "the RULE" rulings.
Live, learn & get better!
Whoever gave a let the day before erred...
What happens the day before has nothing to do with the ongoing match.
You must be joking if you used previous match decisions in your own ruling. Nothing to do with the correct ruling just because other umpires make mistakes.
Does Riddle really believe that on court rulings are made based on what umpires did the day before?
Barry Riddle has a good point. Officiating should be consistent between matches. It gets very frustrating when some chair officials don't know the rules or how to properly apply the rules and make an improper call. That action sets up all other officials (good and bad) for failure.
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