Just wanted to reaffirm our belief in "diversity."

"I told you I wanted to work that site!"

"We're going to settle this once and for all."

Just catching a little more sleep before I have to get up and go to work...

Noone is here to open the site for me.

"Whew, I'm glad I'm through working that ZAT."

"Just wondering when my background check will be approved."

"It sure is fun hanging out with my tennis official buddies."

"I'm starving and I can't get my lunch opened!"

"I'm pooped!"

"Just finished working and now going for a swim."

A new official who just did their first chair.

A new official after doing singles and doubles chairs.

"Dang, I'm good!"

"I told you I wanted to do the #1 singles match."

"I just graduated from the Chair Academy!"

"I found a new girlfriend at the last tournament."

"I'm ready for my lunch. Why aren't there here with my Subway sandwich?"
Wow - a lot of your analogies have to deal with a certain family from College Station. You need to start a corresonding topic matching a list of officials to each captioned photo and connect the dots. That would be hilarious. You would find out there are a couple of officials that would fit most categories.
If I connected all the dots I would be in big trouble--especially if the dots led through College Station. At least the bears remind me quickly of certain individuals...
Yes you would be in big trouble. People who have assault convictions have them for a reason . . .
Obviously that doesn't matter in College Station since that official is still busy working A&M matches. It does make a mockery out of the entire system of the USTA and the background checks.
INCREDIBLE! Lets call this the: The College (tennis officials) Station Blog!
And why would you say that?
Don't mean to ruffle your feathers - but, you cannot be serious!!! Aren't you the Blog's publisher? Seems like you let a lot of people (most-likely just one or two) talk about some folks in College Station more often than anything else. I really thought this blog was providing a good service of letting people know the ups and downs - ins and outs of ON COURT situations... JUST SEEMS like a lot of girly time talk! Besides is it really a good idea to let people know you are - were a man of the cloth and yet you feed off other peoples negative situations?
First of all, a blog is here to put; out different thoughts and opinions. I print the vast majority of the comments unless they are too vile to print. My being a past member of the cloth has nothing to do with a person's inclinations to believe that blanket statements all go back to College Station.
But one truth I do know: if the shoe fits wear it.
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