Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ethical Question #2: Is It Right To Play The Race Card In Officiating?

The age-old race card as espoused by Jesse Jackson.

One of the age old tricks in the political world (and now the world of political correctness) is to play the "race card" when you don't get your way or don't get something you want. If you happen to live in Dallas, you hear and see the race card played nearly every day at City Hall or school board meetings.

The question of the day is: "Is it right to play the race card in tennis officiating?"

We see this done frequently at the higher levels of officiating; i.e. the US Open, but is it a reality in the everyday world of officiating?

One of the songs we were taught in Sunday School was "Jesus loves the little children. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight." My motto in hiring officials is, "I don't care if they are red and yellow or black or white, as long as they know the rules and can do the job."

We would welcome your thoughts and comments on this politically correct subject.


Anonymous said...

no brainer - if a person can do the job AND THEIR LEGAL - let get them out there.
A great example is Joe Biden (our vice president)- I do not care about his race - again, it does not matter - but, man he cannot do his job... he needs to be fired.


Anonymous said...

Just play the race card and threaten to sue the USTA and they will do whatever you ask. Just look at their past history and at one US Open official in particular.

Anonymous said...

Sounds harsh... lets say I am a mix of colors and I am not that good... will you and others assume that I am working ONLY because I am playing the race card - I hope not!?

The race card should never be "played" - there should be no such thing. It is only a race issue when you hire me and then keep me because I am "of a certain color(s)!"

Most people hirer people to help them get a job a done - regardless of race. If they cannot do the job - they should be fired. I would think it would be hard for anyone to "prove" otherwise.

There is only a "race card" when you become a racists playing the game.

Dorthy Juanita Runlinehorse Yang,
from Kansas

Anonymous said...

The USTA is 25 years, a complete generation behind the issue of black skin color privilege;

the get out of jail card, and license to steal card are wearing thin with the majority.

All liberal progressives should immediately give up their positions in the USTA, Nucula, et al to the melanin mafia, that's only fair to the ethically challenged.

Anonymous said...

We have lost our way with the whole race, sexual preference, age and category issues. What happened to good old performance based opportunities. Unfortunately this is the climate we live in and will be in for the forseeable future soon and you can see it is moving us back in time. Are we trying to get the people who can do the best job or are we looking for America's/World' next top model? We have catered to certain groups including players and have ALLOWED them to force us in the wrong directions!!!! It's too bad but this will not and cannot be changed in our lifetime or many generations to come. Tennis is in a sad state and only getting worse. It really hurts to say because there are still a few things to enjoy about it. I wish and want it to be different. Fact is it isn't and won't be for a very very longtime, if ever!!!

Anonymous said...

If you think all officials, regardless of race, will ever get assignments based solely on merit, you are living on a different planet. There are still significant remnants of the good old boys (and girls) system in officiating when it comes to many assignments, including but not limited to the NCAA tournament. I'm not sure your discussion on race does much but ignore the fact that the buddy system is much in play in many officiating arenas. What Joe Biden has to do with your discussion is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Political positions have more credibility when they are not based upon non-existant quotes from Jesse Jackson. When you're trying to rile up the yahoos, at least be honest.