Since we are having such a good comment response on "how would you rule?" questions, we will post some new ones for you. Here you go!
In an ITA singles match, player A breaks a string in the middle of the point. He immediately hits a lob as high as he can hit it. While the ball is in the air, he runs to his bench, trades rackets, and then resumes the point before player B hits the ball back.
What would you rule?
Hinderence? Unless, player B continues playing the point without without an issue with it.
With no rule book handy, I believe this would be a NO! NO! Point to opponent. You play each point with only 1 racket. You can change rackets between points if you desire.
FAC says you cannot use more than one racket during a point. I'm guessing this was written to mean that a player cannot have a racket in each hand.
But switching rackets in the middle of the point would mean using two rackets in that point so I would say that player loses the point.
The other consideration is the confusion created by the player racing to the bench and racing back out on to the court. This would likely distract his opponent and could be ruled a hindrance.
Player B wins the point.
I would rule he is really really fast...
I had a dream last night that there was a very important, match deciding point underway when one of the players broke his string during the point. His coach, always thinking, quickly reached into his bag and got an extra racket ready to go. His player, seeing this, hit a high lob and immediately threw his racket to his coach, who in turn responded by tossing a new racket to his player. The player then whacked a match winning overhead for the win.
Wow, could this really happen in real life?
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