"Is there something you would like to ask me?"
Player B hit a deep baseline shot and Player A called it out. Player B did not contest the call and was preparing to resume play when the chair official (who knew the ball was obviously good) asked Player B "is there something you would like to ask me?" Player B then quickly said, "was the ball out" and the chair official said, "Correction, the ball was good. Point to Player B and point penalty for Player A since it is your third overrule." This occurred at 5-5 in the second set tiebreak which subsequently gave the tiebreak and second set to Player B.
As the referee, what would you do?
Note: I was the referee on this dual match but was not informed by player, coach, or chair official about this occurrence until after the match was complete and people were going home.
All you can do is put it on the blog and tell people to STAY OUT OF THE MATCH - unless YOU are asked!
I did talk to Player A's coach as they were driving out of the parking lot and wished them luck and a safe trip. At that time I didn't know what had happened on the court.
He said, "we had a great time but got a little home cooking on court 4."
At least he wasn't too upset...
I encouraged him to add Tulsa to his schedule next year!
How could this happen? I thought RM stood close by and observed matches whilyst he is referee.
Pg 244 A solo chair umpire shall not overrule a call unless it is challenged verbally at that moment (not at the end of the point) by the opposing player. The solo chair umpire shall not prompt the request for an appeal.
It must have been really cold or the coach did not hear the chair, for the coach not to have come unglued.
If the referee was on the court or if the coach protested, the referee should not have allowed the chair's request for the overrule. Basis: it was not timely and it was incorrectly solicited. Go back to the point in time where the error occurred. Score: 6-5 Player A.
I can only hope your information is incorrect. Talk about inserting the offical into the match.
Alas, the information was correct.
Double alas, RM was chairing the #3 singles match on the other side since they were behaving like hell-bound banshees...
It was good of the Lord though to send a cold front that night and the coach was so cold he didn't throw a fit or didn't hear it...
So it sounds like since the coach didn't know, then the referee is treating it like it didn't happen.
Let's go eat.
What, did I hear that correct? The infamous RM actually chairing a match. Maybe his friend Chuckie will take note and chair a couple of matches too, instead of roaming the courts looking for trouble.
Looks like a little hom_ cooking in progress. I left out the "o" for those that need help.
I hate to disappoint you but I probably do more chairs than you even see... Unlike Chuck to the South who chooses never to do chairs and instead bring water to those who are.
Chuck does a fine job. Seems to get the best officials all the time. Love, Dave, Ed, Michelle, Myron, Ginny, Kevin, Randy and Bernie.
The comments I'm referencing in this post were signed so I respect them and will add to the conversation
If we are talking about styles of work,let's get(at least some)facts straight.My employer prefers that we use the SEC model of Ref+6 on most matches.This is the best method I know of to prevent many of the comedic errors we read about on this blog.
I still do 5-8 chairs a year to keep my certification but sincerly believe that at my age everyone should start reducing chair work as well. As an experiment,make your own list of the best umpires you know to do chairs on confrontational matches between highly ranked teams.Then go back and see how many of them are(well) over 65.
Also, I like the waterboy roll as a non intrusive method of checking in with the chair umpires without the appearance of interfering with the match.
Since going to the Ref+6 staffing the flow of matches,and chair umpire issues have clearly been reduced.
Just think about the most recent mini disasters featured on this blog and ask yourself if the Referee's involved;(Myron and Randy),had been available and observing the entire match would these situations ever have gotten to the point they arrived at(?)
So yes,I do take water to the chairs and rarely do anymore myself.
Of course this has created about 30 extra assignments each year but I thought that might be OK with ITA Chair umpires as a group.
I can guarantee you that if a certain (unnamed)school in Highland Park would give Randy the budget to do so he would go to Ref+6 (and do a better job for them)in a heartbeat
LOVE and XXX to all,
Maybe the problems that RM & MK seem to have as referenced by Haymuncher is the quality of officials for their assignments and not the lack of Ref +6.
And that was some spin on the reason Haymuncher is not a chair official now.
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