Shining example of the proper way to sort and display balls for a match.
There are rumors from throughout the land that there are new pretenders to Myron's throne... Among these new proteges is Kevin Foster and Ty McDonald and of course, there is always fierce competition from Randall Edwards and Glen Whitaker. Seems that David Fleuriet has dropped completely out of contention in Waco and of course, nothing much is ever done in Oklahoma so they aren't included in our race any longer.
Better watch out for the softer, gentler side of the officials...If a female official ever gets a hankerin' to take away the throne, it'll be all over but the crying for The Myronian and the "boys".
I handed over my "gold" pen to Glen at Friday's A&M Men's match against Texas Tech so he could accompany me on my most sacred throne. The mighty Texas A&M Women were scheduled to play the Boomer Sooners at the same time. Unfortunately, the Referee for the Women's match, Kevin Foster, took it upon himself to sort the Men's balls, of which he should have left alone. Kevin needs much training in proper ball sorting etiquette.
Poor Glen will now have to wait until the next match to unwield his majestic pen and perform magic.
Personally I think that ball sorting is an all-male job. We spend many years perfecting our art.
I am scratching my ..... right now wondering WHY IN WORLD would you alow you son to even be in the same company as Krug, Whit and Foster. You, my man, are SICK!
If you are referring to the special official from College Station you are mis-informed. She seems to have a vendetta against everybody whom befriends her bi-sectional officiating friend, as was personally witnessed by all officials working the A&M match this past Sunday.
Ty has spent time with all of the anointed ball sorters and likes them all. Maybe I should put him in some remedial teaching...
Please tell us more about the Sunday A&M fun... I was at the match with OU and TX (w) and the TT v TX (m) - it was great our Tx teams won both! The officials did a good job. I think you guys are terrible looking in your shirts.
If you think we look terrible in our shirts then you must be one of the following:
1. A Baylor fan who thinks the shirts should always be Baylor green.
2. An A&M fan who thinks anything green is from hell.
3. Not an official.
4. Someone who has no taste and doesn't realize that the vast majority of officials loved themselves in black.
My mistake... I forgot they were wearing those inglorious gray Big 12 shirts instead of our beautiful black ITA shirts. Please forgive...
I did notice this weekend how hot the gray Big 12 shirts are. The ITA fabric is so much more comfortable.
Maybe next year when we all have to buy new Big 12/10 shirts they will be of this cooler material.
There is always going to be some type of drama when our special official from College Station is working a match. It was no different Sunday and she was being true to form. Maybe someday she will learn to play well with the other children. Until then, everybody tries to avoid her at all cost. At least when she's mad, which is usually all the time, she keeps quiet which is a very good thing.
Dave from Waco you should - NEVER GIVE UP! I saw Glen forget to add the third ball to the doubles cans... at a very recent match.
excuse me - forth ball
....Maybe next year when we all have to buy new Big 12/10 shirts they will be of this cooler material......
Don't count on this. The current vendor was personally selected by the Big 12 coordinator. Those shirts are poor quality and cost more.
The Coordinator of Big 12 tennis is already thinking about using the outfit out of Waco to provide future shirts for the officials. More to come.
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