Friday, January 14, 2011

More Great New Rule Changes For 2011


Table 11 allows a tournament to limit toilet/attire breaks if announced in advance of the event.

FAC Comment III. D-2 allows a player to combine a 3 minute rest period with a toilet/attire break if he/she asks for both up front. Coaching is allowed during the rest period and toilet break.

FAC Comment III. D-3 allows the longer of 3 minutes or reasonable time for the toilet/attire break when taking a break before a Match Tiebreak.

FAC Comment III. D-4 states that lateness beyond the three minute break before a Match Tiebreak results in a loss of match. The logic is Table 14, C loss of one game up to 5 minutes late. Since a tiebreak is one game, the match is over.


USTA Regulation IV.D.6.a states an official may assess a Code Violation based on what he, or a Court Monitor, saw or heard, or on an admission of a player.



Anonymous said...

I can now visualize mothers standing on the court coaching during the three minute break. I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Just a few more reasons not to work Junior or USTA tournaments.

Yoda said...

I can't wait until a player is late returning to court following the 3-minute setbreak leading into a Match Tiebreak. As soon as they get back to court, the official will immediately inform the player they are down one game. Oh yeah, that means GAME, SET, MATCH. Woo hoo. The Referee better run to the hills on this one.

Personally, I think coaching before entering a match tiebreak is a good thing. Players need to get on top of their game in a hurry and a little encouragement will go a long way.

RM said...

I'm excited about watching some of our coaching Mothers in action ON THE COURT! This will be something we want to put on youtube...

Anonymous said...

I believe that the 10 minute rest period before a full third set was added for Boys 18 as well. Previously was 2 minutes.

Anonymous said...

This one looks like job justification. Just like taking the 10 minute break away before the third set,for the 18s was dumb and they had to put it back. This is just another dumb change for the sake of change to justify someone's job. Adding 60 seconds helps who? By the time the "coach" and player get together, they will have about a minute to talk. That is if the "coach" is in the stands and paying attention.

Is there a true official on this committee, I mean a real, roving official who consistantly works Jr. tournaments of all levels? This sounds like it was desigened for the Nationals and not the ZATs to be sure.

Here is my suggestion for this one. Tell the players, "Yes, you have 3 minutes, you may leave the court, but if you are late coming back, you will be defaulted. I would suggest you stay somewhere on this court and talk to your coach. It's up to you. You now have 2 minutes 45 seconds." In reality, they would have much less than that, since the clock starts when the last point ended.

Just my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I still wouldn't allow on-court coaching...just like I wouldn't allow on-court coaching during the 10 minute break.

Yoda said...

YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!! Coaching is allowed during authorized rest periods and it makes no difference if it is on-court or off-court. FAC makes no distinction to where coaching may occur.

Anonymous said...

Responding to 10:55am bring up excellent points. On the other hand, you assume an official will be involved in the on court happenings. With the number of courts roving officials have to handle, can you imagine the communiction break downs that will occur with this rule? And you bring up a good question, how many folks on the committee that came up with this nonsense have ever had to rove/cover a dozen courts spread out over hell's half acre in 100-degree heat? Obviously, none.

RM said...

Yes, it is indeed my understanding that Mother can now come on the court to coach Junior.

And, we need to be timing the 3 minutes in addition to watching all 11 of our other courts at the same time.

We must be worth a lot more money than we are being paid!

ZOO GIRL said...

I just had one of the first tournaments of the year (SCMZ 12s/14s). I printed about 300 copies of a well-written document (if I do say so myself) informing parents, coaches and players of the new 2011 rule and had them available for all at each site desk.

We did not allow coaching on the court (they were coached through the fences or off court, but no one was allowed on court except officials and players). Much to my surprise, we did not have one issue with the rest period or lateness. Of course they were spoon-fed the rule!

I think our juniors can benefit from coaching and I think this is a good thing as long as they are prompt and cognizant of the lateness penalty rule.

Anonymous said...

"Yoda said...
YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!! Coaching is allowed during authorized rest periods and it makes no difference if it is on-court or off-court. FAC makes no distinction to where coaching may occur."

The Ref determines who may or may not go on the Ref I do not allow on court coaching.

Guess you blew that one Yoda

Thanks for playing

Mel said...

If a player stays on court for the 3 min rest period, may they now receive coaching via electronic device?