As we journeyed into prophecy we must now also share the fulfillment of some of those recent glimpses into the future.
The first fulfillment came to the west of our beloved city and occurred when the previous leader of the feminine band of tennis participants clothed in purple and white, moved into greener pastures. The older and much wiser patriarch of the male horned toad tennis participants at this institution of higher learning has now reconstituted himself as leader of the females. The revelation of the new leader of young male horned toads has yet to come to pass.
The second fulfillment came when the land upon which the Ponies have dwelt for two years received notice that it would be turned into a barren wasteland in 2011-2012. A new promised land will appear to the south of the major boulevard in Ponyland.
Now its up to you to decipher these revelations...
it has been revealed to me the new leader of the young men that play for the Horned Frogs will be none other than David Roditi.
That perhaps could be depending on how his interview went this week.
Boy, oh boy! If SMU's 2 year old tennis facility gets razed, there is truth to the speculation that SMU has more money than sense! Not that I'll miss the current facility with its lack of court dividers and constant, gale force winds. Is it true they're going to erect a windmill farm on the current site?
Whoever designed and Whoever signed off on the plans for the current tennis facility should be fired. What a total waste of money to get something that nice and be just about worthless.
So what's the latest on the SMU tennis facilities?
The plan is to keep the current 6 courts for this coming year while they are building a new facility to the south of Mockingbird. Then tear the current facility down and replace it with a parking garage.
The new facility would be in use in 2012.
Six or eight courts? Will the new facility have indoor courts?
This is really bad planning! Don't they have a long-range or master plan at SMU? If they did, or if it was any good, this wouldn't have happened. A parking garage!!!!
So where do the Turpins stand on this issue?
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