Much has been said lately and much ado has been made by those in the heirarchy of tennis officiating about the TEXAS REVOLUTION that is sweeping our land--and its truly a joyous feeling to be recognized throughout the officiating world.
Much of the talk about TR centers around the ITA shirts that are being worn in Texas (and Oklahoma)--but the TEXAS REVOLUTION was begun about 6 years ago right here in our own little state of Texas...
In the beginning of the TR, our very own Bruce Sampley (currently sectional chairman in Texas for the USTA) started the revolution by putting the teaching materials for officials schools on powerpoint. There was much gnashing of teeth among the heirarchy over this blasphemous step--but one that is now welcomed and revered among instructors everywhere. I can well remember the castigation that Bruce received for having the courage to step out to Power Point. I can well remember being told not to teach with the Power Point but it happened anyway and is now one of the boasting points for our schools.
The indignation over our new ITA shirts is really a non-issue since they have been wearing ITA shirts in California for at least the past 5 years--without any complaining by our leadership. The only difference is that theirs are navy blue and ours are green. Seems that we have now been branded as the TEXAS REVOLUTION for our wanting to have ITA shirts in Texas too. We do now wear them--and wear them proudly-throughout our state and the adjoining state of Oklahoma.
If that's what causes the TEXAS REVOLUTION then you can count me in as one that is proud to be called a:
Randy, Go boldly where no one has gone before.
You guys really shouldn't talk badly about Bruce Sampley. See, he has done something good for the benefit of all officials by coming up with that PowerPoint class. I remember sitting in one of those classes and it was probably the best class I attended as far as learning goes.
Why is it that the powers to be at the National level are such prima-donas? If it's not invented by them, then they refuse to adopt great concepts. Those people are essentially the south end of a horse traveling north, if you know what I mean.
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