Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Understanding The Nature of A Blog

BLOG: A frequently updated personal journal chronicling links, events, and opinions at a web site intended for public viewing.

Since we now live in a new age of communication one of our greatest tools is the BLOG. As we move along this road of advancing technology, we need to keep some simple guidelines in mind...

* A blog belongs to the owner and he/she is free to express any opinion they desire. Whether you agree or disagree is your choice and you can expand upon that premise by choosing to read or not read the blog.

* There is a huge difference between the blog post and comments. The author of the blog does not write the comments and is free to publish whichever comments they choose to publish. In our case, we do not publish comments that are obscene or personal attacks.

* A blog is a great communication tool and should be used by all contemporary organizations. Noone should be afraid of a blog--they don't bite!

* A blog normally posts the opinions of the author. No need to get upset about it, that's the basic nature of a blog. Most blog authors know how to write and the boundaries of their writings. There are some totally crazy blogs out there on the internet but we will avoid them at all costs.

* Sometimes a blog author will post something to stimulate conversation. They may or may not be his personal views but are published to read different viewpoints. No need to hyperventilate here, just enjoy the discussion.

* Our blog is intended specifically for tennis officials and we try to publish posts that are of interest or deal with issues confronting officials. From time to time, we might deviate with a little political humor but I try to keep it at a minimum.

Hopefully these guidelines will help people understand what a blog is all about. Seems that lately I have been accused of things that are very untrue. When questioned about these accusations, I find that people are equating me with comments that are posted on my blog. Trust me, if it comes from me it will be in my blog posting. I am not afraid to stand up for what I have written...

I have found over the years that if a blog questions people or policies that are in authority, sometimes there is a negative reaction. That's fine with me. If you can't stand the heat, don't stay in the kitchen!

Overall, having a blog is one of the greatest joys in my life. I meet people everywhere who read the blog. They may or may not agree but at least we're all talking and enjoying something together.

Since you are here and reading this, welcome aboard for the journey... It should be a good one!


Eeyore said...

But I've apparently been banned from this blog for my sometimes candid portrayals of life in the officiating world.

RM said...

O mighty eeyore,

You have not been banned but you do have to be nice...
