Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Since we live in a society filled with lawsuits and many rabid accusations, I would like your input on what certain terms actually mean. Sometimes a formal definition is not the same as reality and I would sure welcome a discussion on these topics. These are very specific to the tennis world so let's be specific in our definitions. I will try to publish all comments I receive in regard to these definitions:


Perhaps if we better understand these terms we can better function in our tennis officiating world with all our new guidelines.


Anonymous said...

Gender diverse means you hire men, women, and transexuals. Color and national origin mean nothing in this issue.

Gender neutral means that you don't differentiate in the above listing.

RM said...

To me, here are the definitions of the following terms:

GENDER DIVERSE. Means that I hire both men and women. Its a pretty basic definition but one that works.

GENDER NEUTRAL. Not sure how you get a man or a woman into "neutral" so its kind of a confusing term.

Anonymous said...

I am sure they will teach us what these terms means in next year's schools.

Anonymous said...

Here's a simple question: WHY? Why do we bow down to the alter of diversity? Statements that demand that diversity is good, don't answer the question of WHY it is good.
Here is an extreme example: in the name of diversity, and to have a different view, it could be required to have a pedophile work as an official at a junior tennis tournament. Even though it shows diversity, it would be stupid. Diversity can sometimes be detrimental. Diverse ideas can sometimes be wrong!
Diversity today means that some one or some group wants the general public to accept, approve, and usually financially support their views and they are loud enough to yell and file a lawsuit unless they are included. These individuals have no confidence in their own abilities, so they depend on the incorrectly and widely accepted cry for "diversity".

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Based on the sytle and punctuation it sounds like there is a new voice on the blog. Keep it up, newbie. You bring a degree of clarity and eloquence to Randy's blogsite.

Rhett said...

Frankly my dear I don't give a damn!!!

Eeyore said...

Diversity means having to listen to a certain official from College Station rant and rave about how she knows all the rules... when it is apparent she doesn't. I heard there has been some email traffic going on from you-know-who. Would someone please forward it to me. My email is

Fred said...

Well obviously, Gender Neutral means that the mix of officials selected will be equal bewteen men & women.

Wally said...

Just to add to the definitions; whenever you hear the word DIVERSITY -- it actually means QUOTA.

Actually, i use QUOTAS too, like when I would like to fill my QUOTA of "really good umpires" for my assignments (like 6), but sometimes that's not possible. That's when I go to my DIVERSITY list, just to get some warm bodies out there.