Friday, October 10, 2008

My Response To The Frivilous Grievance

Normally I do not respond to frivilous things in my life but in this instance I am going to make an exception because I am tired of hearing about it from sources that never should have even known about it. (Tells me there is a leak somewhere...)

I am also responding somewhat in the dark since I am responding only to that which Bruce Sampley told me was in the grievance and not what was actually printed since I have been denied access to the grievance.

Please note that I am being very careful about not "criticizing" another official but I am presenting facts without any commentary.

I was told the following by Bruce Sampley: That Kevin Labor had filed a grievance against me for not sending him an availability and for posting the story about the hunting dog which he said was written about him. Here are my responses to this grievance (and also that which has been sent to the Grievance Committee):


At time of the filing of the grievance, I had not sent out my grievances so that basically makes the question a moot point; however, these were my actions. Since I had had some issues with Kevin in the past, I told him that if he would personally write me and agree to the following, I would GLADLY send him an availability:

1. That he would improve his attitude with superiors, coaches, and other officials.
2. That he would agree to doing roving matches as well as chairing matches.
3. That he would not cancel an assignment to work another assignment somewhere else.

Kevin declined to make this commitment so I will not be sending him an availability. These requirements are the same as I expect from all officials who work for me and are enumerated earlier in my offer of a "universal availability."

Texas is a "right to work" state and we are independent contractors so I resent the nature of this frivilous grievance since it has absolutely no bearing on reality. I stand by my decision in this matter.


This is even more ludicrous than the first part. It was an analogy plain and simple and Kevin perhaps is overestimating himself in thinking it was about him. It was analogy about officials (at least 10) with whom these things have happened in the past. Not much else I can say on this issue.

This is all I plan to say about this grievance. I am not happy at all with the way this has been handled and the fact that it even became an actual grievance. It should have been nipped in the bud when it was presented. It basically sounds like something from an 8th grade playground...

Its time to move on to some things that have some valid reality and importance...


Anonymous said...

I'll be more than happy to take his place and work matches. Only one caveat, I can only work the No. 1 singles position for I and I alone am the best official in the Nation and it would be beneath me to have to work matches of the lesser-talented peasants. Oh yeah, I also require a hook next to my umpire chair so I can keep my best friend Jake on his leash. He has a tendency to chase after errant tennis balls.

Really though, this grievance is totally without merit. Does that mean I can file a grievance if I don't like the color of the court surface. What we have here is a failure to play well with others.

Also, if you need something to fix that leak you may want to call Billy Mays (The Oxy Guy), for he is THE MAN who can fix anything.

Keep up the blog! I'm sure someone (MR/MRS and/or MS ANONYMOUS) will be offended by my remarks, but isn't that what blogging is all about. What a wonderful country we live in where freedom of expression rings true!

Anonymous said...

Your blog reminds me of a well known toon... Where ol where have all of my comments gone, ol where ol where have they gone!

Anonymous said...

It has come to my attention that some of you fellow bloggers don't appreciate my comments. If you feel you want to discuss your issues offline, please email me at ""