Friday, February 23, 2018

Things Heard 'Round The Town...

Tennis officiating is a wonderful profession--and it even has its humorous moments...

Here are some things we have heard (and have been sent to us) over the years:

*  "Most of the ball missed the line."

*  "Coach, the more you yell at me, the worse my eyesight gets."  Probably not how I would phrase it but got the point across.

*  After hearing a coach yell across the court at the chair official, I heard the chair official yell this back at him, "You yell at me and I'm going to yell at you."

*  One coach said, "Don't be offended if I scream at you.  Its not personal."  I replied, "Then don't be offended if I code you.  Its not personal."

*  One chair official succinctly said, "40 apiece" when calling out the score. 

*  A player said, "You shouldn't call footfaults on me because I'm not going to net behind my serve."

*  One self-centered official once sat in the corner and pouted.  When asked what was wrong, she replied, "I'm mad because I didn't get to chair the #1 singles match."

Just goes to show you--if you keep your eyes and ears open you can hear and see most anything at a tennis tournament.

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