Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Blog Is Alive And Well--And Doing Better Than Ever!

One of the things about having a blog is knowing in advance that some are going to love it and some are going to hate it.  That's human nature and that's fine...  It just makes the challenge even greater--and more fun!  I love it when I get comments and emails agreeing with what I have written but I also get a kick out of the negative emails pointing out that I am the "spawn of Satan", totally deluded, and/or a misogynist.

Our stats reflect our growth...  Right now we are averaging right at 300 VIEWS A DAY and have had OVER 500,000 VIEWS in the short life span of the blog!  Now that's what I call being "alive and well."

Someone once asked me, "which blog topics generate the most readership?"  Generally it is posts that deal with "How To Rule" but the highest readership we ever had (over 600 views in one day!) was when we posted the pay scales over all the universities in Texas.  Go figure that one out...

There are those in the USTA that love us and some that hate us since we wrote posts that disagreed with some of the things they were doing and some of their policies--but that's ok.  At least we opened to door to shed some light on things that were being done in the darkness and that's a good thing.  I have gotten numerous emails from staff at the USTA Texas Section informing me that "they never look at the blog" and then anonymous emails saying that some of those in authority in Austin check the blog on a regular basis.  All that's good--it increases the readership.

I have officiating friends that regularly tell me that "I would never ever look at that blog" but then they start telling me things that could have only come from reading the blog.  Sometimes we get yelled at and threatened when we post things that bring to light "those things that are done in the darkness" and believe me, I don't mind taking the heat if the truth gets shared.

Its always exciting to watch what happens when a seed of truth is planted in a fertile mind.  Over the years we have pointed out good things, wrong things, and illegal and deceptive practices--and then let them germinate in fertile minds.  Thank goodness that has led to some good actions by some good people and after all, that was the goal of the whole thing in the first place.

Please remember that I may not always personally believe what I post.  Sometimes its just put out there to "stir the pot."  When the pot gets stirred, sometimes good things come out of the pot...

Of course, in our politically correct world, anytime you use sarcasm you usually offend someone somewhere about something.  That's ok too.

One of the most vital attributes of a good blog writer is to "learn to watch and pay attention."  99% of our blog posts come from simply watching people (and tennis people in particular) and then pointing out the good things and/or the absurdity of things they may be doing.  Tennis officials are some of the finest people in the entire world--and a great and fertile ground for blog writing.

Keep up the good work of living and doing--that's what keeps our blog going...  Love you all!

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