Monday, July 11, 2016

How Would You Rule When The Players Are Late?

Interesting scenario came up this week at the ITA tournament in Dallas...

Play was suspended on Saturday evening due to rain and was to be continued the next morning.  When play was resumed on Sunday morning and all of the players were called to report for play it was discovered that four of the players were late in reporting.  The four players who were late were also well into the first set of their matches.  What do you do when players report late for their match on Sunday?

Here are some choices:

*  Ignore any penalties and just be glad they came back on Sunday.
*  Penalize them with the same penalties as at the start of a match.
*  Call their Mothers and have them get them to the courts as soon as possible.
*  Rebuke the evil spirit of lateness in the players and then continue play.
*  Give them a big hug and hope they are never late again.
*  Do nothing since the match was already in progress and how would you assess a game penalty when they are in the middle of a game.

HINT:  The referee made the decision that they should be penalized as if it were the beginning of the match.  However, of the 4 players that were late, none of them ever showed up and were subsequently defaulted.

How would you have ruled???


Anonymous said...

I would have ruled the same as the official did and apply the rules as if it were the beginning of the match.

Unknown said...

The referee was correct in assessing the same penalties (minus the toss) as for lateness at the start of the match.

Larry said...

I don't understand how this would be considered as a lateness question.

They didn't show up late, they never returned. Of course, they would be defaulted!!

RM said...

They were defaulted eventually but what do you tell the player who is waiting for his opponent to arrive? We told them they would be penalized just the same as at the start of a match.