Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Joys of Tennis Offficiating

If you only listen to officials, players, parents, and coaches then you might come to think that tennis officiating is a dreadful profession and there is nothing fun or joyous about it--but don't listen to the naysayers--tennis officiating is a great profession and one that brings much joy into the life of an official.

Here are some of the joys of tennis officiating:

*  There is a sense of accomplishment when you pass all of the tests.  Contrary to what some may think, we actually do have to pass annual exams to be an official.
*  Its a great opportunity to learn about human nature and especially during stress and trials.
*  You get to meet some of the greatest kids in the world.  They aren't all bad...
*  You experience the privilege of working with some of the finest coaches in any sport.  99% of them are fantastic people and our times together should be treasured.
*  Its a profession where you can always improve and that fact should continually inspire you.
*  You get to meet some of the best parents in the world.  The bad apples always get the headlines and the attention but there are far more wonderful parents than the bad ones.
*  Hopefully you get to impart some good into the lives of the people you come into contact with.
*  You get to hear Gary Tolbert call out the score in his "ministerial voice" and wonder why he wasn't a preacher.
*  You get to see Ginny James come out in a new outfit every day.
*  You get to drive to Stillwater and see all the sights.
*  You get to watch Myron Krueger drive down I-35 and not kill himself and others.
*  You get to see Carol Bruehler continually prop herself up with her hand on her hip and not do permanent damage.
*  You get to watch Rick Gabel and Ty McDonald try to drink every beer known to man.
*  You get an up-close glimpse of David Roditi's hat.
*  You get to hear Michael Center try to convince us that he can see the far sideline better than we can when we are up in a chair.
*  You get to eat the free tacos and pizza that they give you at TCU.
*  You get to hear some deluded people try to convince others that they have an "elite program."
*  You get to watch Cheryl Jones try to make assignments that please everyone.
*  You get to have John Roddick tell you that you have made the worst call he has ever seen in his entire life.
*  You actually get to work with some coaches that are men and women of integrity and treat each other and us like human beings worth of honor and respect.
*  You get to see pro chair officials elevate themselves to heights that only they can conjure up and the wait for them to fall from their perch.  Remember--pride always comes before a fall...
*  You get to see Mary Lynn Satur work diligently on not saying the "f-word" so often.
*  You get to be right on the court with some of the finest competitors in any sport.

These are just a few of the many reasons that we have great joy in what we do--but then there are times of weeping and gnashing of teeth.  Isn't it great to have the wonderful Biblical promise that it only lasts for the night and there will be a shout of joy in the morning!

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