Tuesday, June 14, 2016

"Entitled" Officials and Their Devastating Effects

The dreaded "ENTITLED OFFICIAL" who didn't get his way...

As tennis officials we have all encountered the dreaded "entitled kid" along with all their faults and failures--and we have encountered the "entitled parent" that usually raised that disgusting kid.  We usually look to the Junior Tennis Council for help but alas, none is coming...

Worse than the adults and demon-children, are the "entitled officials" that seem to be springing up everywhere.  Its like the legal definition of porn--you don't know to define it but you know it when you see it.  Same holds true for entitled officials.  Here are some of their characteristics:

*  Always complaining about everything and anything.
*  The food is never good enough for them or delivered on time to suit them.
*  Never satisfied.  There isn't a hotel that would make them happy.
*  Can't understand why they might actually have a roommate.
*  Feels that everyone owes them something in the officiating world.
*  Gets mad when they don't get to chair the #1 singles or doubles match.
*  Thinks they know it all and frequently share that view with others.
*  Their favorite line is:  "I never have trouble in my matches."
*  Their first question is always, "How much am I getting paid?"  And then it is never enough...
*  Calls the referee within two days of the match/tournament completion and wanting to know why they haven't been paid yet.
*  Always want to know when they can go home.
*  Usually very confrontational with coaches, players, and fans.
*  Doesn't take instruction or correction well.
*  If female, usually wears her shorts much shorter than everyone else.
*  If male, usually drives the newest car and/or biggest truck.
*  If male, frequently shares how much money they make.
*  If female, frequently complains about how men get the best assignments and make the most money.
*  The more they drink, the more they brag on themselves.
*  Always wants to know who got which line in singles.
*  Frequently criticizes other officials and freely offers them advice on how to improve.
*  If married and female, has a husband at home that's glad she's gone.
*  If married and male, has a wife at home that is praising Jesus he's not around for a week.

Those are just a few of their characteristics--now the real question is "What do you do with them?"  Here are some solutions:

*  First and foremost, never hire them again.
*  If you hire them, then you can't complain because you asked for it.
*  Give them the #6 singles match to help them learn humility.
*  Make them do the far sideline in doubles to help them get in shape.
*  Always be sure they have a roommate so maybe they won't come back.
*  Be sure that lunch is always delivered to their site LAST.
*  Never invite them to go out to eat with everyone else.
*  Make sure your car is full when they ask for a ride.
*  Be sure to recommend them to your friends who are referees so maybe they will hire them and get them away from you.
*  Pray that they quit.
*  Tell them that they need more training--and then they will quit!
*  Be sure to assign them to McAllen or El Paso for all their matches.
*  Get Subway to deliver day-old sandwiches to their site.
*  Get an empty water bottle and fill it with ordinary tap water just for them.

We all know them--send in your thoughts and suggestions about how to deal with them...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like flipper to me.

Don Knox said...

You mean the dude that is the next best pro official, but hides from his elders to work collegiate matches although they instructed him NOT to work collegiate events? If so, then it makes sense why he's never in an official's group photo. I noticed him in the chair during the Women's NCAA finals. Couldn't hide from that one now could he.