Friday, May 20, 2016

Chair Academy 2016 Is Now In The History Books


Academy Instructor Ginny James modeling her stylish outfit.

We had a great time in Plano this week with the 2016 Chair Academy.  The Academy was held in conjunction with the Men's National Junior College Tennis Tournament and featured special instruction and lots of on court work for the participants.

The Chair Academy is a vital step toward doing ITA work in Texas and Oklahoma.  Coordinators from most of the major universities were there and its a great stepping stone for the participants.  The participants came from cities throughout Texas and Oklahoma.


Barnacle Bill said...

Rumor had it the mousy coach from the elite school making unwanted headlines recently made an appearance, only to leave before any matches were played. Hope he didn't violate any NCAA recruiting rules, or charge the university for his trip.

Anonymous said...

Is it an NCAA violation to intentionally bill your university for a recruiting trip in which a coach never attends? If so, then it would appear the coach is intentionally committing fraud by mis-billing for services unrendered.