Wednesday, May 04, 2016

How Would You Rule? Default, Code Violation, or Nothing?


In an ITA dual match, Player A lost the match and promptly hit the ball in anger--and it struck the head of coach of Team B.  Player A apologized and said, "I didn't mean to hit you."  The coach responded, "Its alright, I know you didn't mean to hit me."

The Chair Official witnessed the incident but was a new official and unsure about what to do--so did nothing.

What should the Chair Official have done?

A.  Issue a code violation and immediately call the referee to the court to default the highest match still playing.

B.  Issue a code violation and immediately call the referee to the court and let him give a point penalty to the highest match still playing.

C.  Do nothing and hope the referee didn't notice it since the player apologized and the coach accepted the apology. 

D.  Call the player's mother and tell her what had transpired.


Unknown said...

The Code states that striking a ball out of anger that then hits a person (even inadvertently) is grounds for immediate default. It also states that this penalty should ALWAYS be assessed. The ITA Rulebook, section H.3.A says that if a player commits a code violation after their singles match, the referee should be called and the the highest remaining match on should be defaulted.

Very clear. Option A should have happened.

Anonymous said...

B - players often times don't mean to do things but should not be acting aggressively. The non-intent makes it a point penalty. The intent would have made it a default.

Anonymous said...

Striking anyone in anger, intentional or not, is a default offense. Issue the code, call the Ref to court (cause you can't default the player) and let the Ref make the call as to whether or not to enforce the default or just a point. That is why they get the big bucks. More than likely by the time the Ref gets there to make a decision the match will be over anyway.

Anonymous said...

Where in the rules does it talk about "non-intent" violations?

Jim Bean said...

Was the match Referee taking a swig from his secret medicinal vial whilst this transgression was unfolding?

Anonymous said...

Option A.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the Nipster was the match referee on this match.

AR Hacked Off said...

Has to be option A, pretty clear.
Player that struck the ball should also be written up and more than likely suspended by the school if not the conference and ITA