Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Has Corruption Invaded Our Sport?

Ominous storm clouds on the horizon for tennis officiating (at least at the pro level.)

If you think not, check out this article.


Uncle Mikie said...

Maybe they need to supplement their income since they can't make minimum wage working tennis matches. Hell, how else will they pay for their recreational drugs after the day's matches are over?

RM said...

And that previous comment would probably be the understatement of the century.

Anonymous said...

What's the fastest way to take the focus off the match fixing scandal? Turn up the heat on a few low level slugs at some insignificant events in Outer Slobodia. Like Louie says in Casablanca, "I'm shocked, shocked to find gambling....". Do you think The Guardian will do a follow-up on this line from the article, "the poorly paid or volunteer umpires were more susceptible to taking bribes."? Maybe there's a reason why some folks think officials should be volunteers.