Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How Would You Rule On An Unplanned Outburst By An Official?

"Oops!  I should never have said that."


In a women's Division I doubles match, a player stumbles and falls to the ground as she is hitting a shot. When the she fell to the ground, the official who was standing at the netpost said, "Whoa!"  Since she had hit the ball over the net, the player quickly regrouped and continued to play the point.  After her team won the point, the opposing team demanded a let because of "official interference" in the middle of the point.

How would you rule?

(Be sure to check out all the minute details in this scenario.)


Mike R, St. Louis said...

Official should immediately follow the "Whoa!" with "Correction. Officials interference. Replay the point."

AR Hacked Off said...

Mike R has it correct.

Anonymous said...

Point stands. both teams continued to play the point. If they wanted a hindrance needed to ask for at the time of the outburst.

Michael Fontana said...

It sounds like, in spite of the official's reaction to her fall, both teams continued to play the point. Points played in good faith therefore count. You can't ask to replay such a point after it is lost.

Something similar happened recently. An official sneezed while standing courtside. Play stopped. THAT is official interference, but not in this case.

Anonymous said...

How loud was the "Whoa"? Didn't appear to have stop play. Can't call a let after the point is over. Note to self "Keep your mouth shut" Goes for this and the previous post.

Anonymous said...

had the players stopped, then Official Interference would be correct. Since the players continued to play, they can't go back and ask for Official Interference

Anonymous said...

I actually saw something similar happen at a pro tournament in Houston when the female chair umpire farted into the microphone she had between her legs. It was quite hilarious and she was ever so embarassed. However, the boys played on, although laughing throughout the point.

RM said...

The event in Houston has to be one of the best ones ever. Wish I had a picture of that...

Michael Fontana said...

If I ever have to have a microphone anywhere near my posterior during a match, it's not going to end well for anyone!

AR Hacker said...

Hey lighten up some....
You would fart too, if you just had 6 pieces of chicken, 2 hot dogs, 12 cookies and a big drink for lunch, before coming out for your 'prime time' match.

Anonymous said...

I have a funny fart story...

Walking between courts I felt the need to release my wild side - thinking that the two young lads were no where close to finishing an odd game...

To OUR dismay I was wrong... I hurried off the court and heard the cute little 12 year-old darling say to his equally cute opponent and I quote.. "OH MY GOD - DOESN'T YOUR MOM WASH CLOTHES" -

I am sure it was one of my prouder stinky-sock farts...

THAT will teach our Tournament Organizer to buy us 6" Jimmy Johns with green bell peppers!!!