Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Referees: Great New Way To Do Code Violation Reports

To say that tennis officials are creative would be an understatement--and especially in Austin.  Printed below is a link to a great new tool for referees and officials to do the paperwork on code violations in USTA tournaments.

The form is being used in Austin quite effectively and they have graciously consented to share it with officials everywhere.  When an official fills in all the information for a code violation and then submits the form, it will go directly to the tournament referee (the referee's email address must be filled in on the form).  This means the referee can just group together the forms and email them to the Texas Section office and be spared all the hand-written paperwork.

Feel free to use this form:


Note:  Please note that there is a link on the blog on the right hand side under "Officials Information Sites" for your convenience in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mike is amazing!!! If I did not have an old fart husband and wicked boyfriend on the side - I would be chasing me some Flynn...