Seems that A&M has filed a complaint against SMU because one of the SMU women withdrew in their match on Tuesday night.
Be sure to check out more on the story at the "texas college tennis" blog listed at the right.
To be honest, I have been on the road officiating for the past week so I haven't gotten the facts all sorted out (if that is possible) but Granger Huntress does a fine job in his blog. Be sure to read it and I'll try to comment more real soon.
College tennis is in full swing so hope you are all having fun and enjoying it to the fullest.
Why is it that a certain coach from A&M is always whinning about something? I wonder if he is related to one of the officials from that part of the country.
Does anybody know?
What no comments? Well, I will start it off.... This seems like a play by a desperate coach whose team is once again underachieving and people are starting to not care about his team, while the men are much more exciting and have potential. He's better than this... or at least I thought he was.
Bobby K comes off as a bitter old man that the game has past by. He needs to just move along and let someone else take over the reigns at TAMU.
With this loss A&M is really in trouble for making the tournament. The Big 12 is horrible other than Baylor. Texas did beat SMU, but they got lucky in the doubles point when SMU choked it away at line 3...
Now if anyone should protest a lineup, maybe SMU should look at why UT's best doubles team plays at line 2... that could've been the game changer...
I asked this question last year on the blog and nobody responded. So I'll try again this year:
How much longer are UT & TAMU athletic departments going to tolerate underachieving women's tennis programs? ESPECIALLY in light of the strength of SMU & TCU. Austin & College Station could find themselves at #4 & #5 in the state pretty soon, if they aren't already.
With Vankova playing today and winning at #2, doesn't this pretty much throw out A&M's claim?
Randy, since when has a lack of facts deterred you from posting?? This must be a first...
Well, this just proves that if ole Bobby K can't win the match on the court, then let's try and win it by protest. Did he protest the lineup before the match? Knowing he would probably get the win at #2. How is a protest win going to help his team get better? I will definitely be following the Ag's schedule the rest of the year. Course with all the whining coming, it won't be hard to figure out what has happened.
Actually I tend to think I do have the facts before I post. Sorry to disappoint you.
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